The Wave Series: Palm Fronds
The Wave Series: Palm Fronds

The water leaps high,
Engulfing me in a loving embrace
Like close family, a long lost friend
Leaves rustle;
Catching up on the latest local gossip.
Crabs come out their holes,
Doing a drunken dance;
Welcoming an old pal,
To join the party.
This is home,
Where a part of me still lives;
Cherishing stories of lazy Sundays,
On the sands and the seas,
Where the remaining part of me,
Longs to join.
This is home,
Where I will always be more girl than woman.
It’s about time,
I dust the sands off my clothes.
One long lasting deep breath,
To my heart’s content,
And my lungs full
A supply to last,
Until next time.
Swishing palms catch my attention,
I can hear a goodbye;
I wave back
As I leave my home behind.