Old Spaces

Old Spaces

1 min

It feels so different

When we go back,

To those cities where we grew up,

To those apartments where we stayed,

To those rooms where used to spend our time,

Oh how different where those days,

Things seem to be worn out now,

But still has the same strength like before,

The way we used to stay,

Why does it feel like

We have become more vulnerable?

When it was supposed to be the old items,

But they remained the same,

Have the new phases made

us weaker

Than what we used to be?

Or, is it just part of the process

To become who we really are compared to

The ways we had stayed,

Doesn't it feel like coming back to these places

Just makes us realize how lost we are,

Just makes us realize how we had forgotten or real self

In order to make it work with new ways,

Coming back to them

Makes us revisit who we really were,

To understand our journey better

And gain our strengths back

To sway our ways

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