Shipra Verma

Action Others


Shipra Verma

Action Others

Horns Of Bull

Horns Of Bull

1 min

A mighty creature flaunts its huge horns

Challenges the muscular powerful man

The mighty strikes and catches the horns

The mightier calms and rides on and on

They say 'the mind is more powerful'

Sharper than the mightiest sword;

But rarely the physique and mind

Are strong combines in a creature

Whenever mind and body are terrific

The heart then starts throbbing through

Manifesting the power of emotions

Speaking the overbearance of love. 

There are bulls raging with anger, fear

Wandering inside our petty existences

If only we could overpower all of them

We could be one with the Mightiest !! 

Painting by Nandlal Bose

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