Dipanjan Bhattacharjee

Abstract Action Others


Dipanjan Bhattacharjee

Abstract Action Others

Recuerdos de 2020

Recuerdos de 2020

2 mins

A year too drenched in heartless pain,

Broken flecks of crude mayhem.

I wonder with a sobbing mind,

Where could peace I truly find?

Hallucinating aura swinging by,

Proclaiming death beneath the sky. 

Ceaseless lives in anguished dread,

Slept beneath the earthen bed.

Lakhs of death with gasping fate,

Where are you Oh noble mate?

A year has come with a treacherous face,

We hunt in darkness for a tinge of grace.

I weeped in helpless groaning voice, 

The world has slept with no noise.

Beyond the skies of carmine cloud,

My broken voice still wafts aloud.

Each a day I strangled thoughts,

Stabbing them deep with gangrenous clots.

The floating hues of wounded hopes,

Hanged themsleves in venomous ropes.

2020; a year of peace,

Uprooted souls from the mundane niche.

And there beyond the scarlet sky,

A thousand souls were made to fly.

But in midst of agony calls,

Lockdown broug

ht me vacuous halls.

Halls where mundane thoughts of life,

Left with family; beloved wife.

Empty grooves in sulcus layers,

Gave me space to fill my shares.

Scribbling down those creative hues,

I left no place for unheard muse.

Each a page; I filled with care,

Writing out my book in air.

Hidden thoughts were brought in light,

Lockdown gave me grave insight.

Gloomy fests yet left no smile,

But my pen still hued my mile.

A million miles on surreal lands,

Into the lanes of rainbow bands.

Christmas brought the final shore,

We must open the iron door.

And into the reams of the mazzarine sea,

We must swim with relishing spree.

2021 awaits with bliss,

To hug us tight and plant a kiss.

Bury the memories deep inside,

And walk ahead with humble pride.

Let the sun in the crimson sky,

Glow in gravitas proclaimed high.

Let no lousy clouds of hell,

Muffle the tune of the ringing bell.

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