My Daddy Dear......
My Daddy Dear......
I remember my childhood,
How nicely we lived,
A balance of everything,
Work, play, studies and fun,
You guided us all along in everything!
I remember how we planned our holidays,
Each visit anywhere, and you wanted an essay,
We had fixed time for study and play,
And every morning, to the stadium we went,
The benefits of our wholesome growth, still in us present!
You told me one day,
The happiest day in your life was,
The day you saw me, your very firstborn,
My wavy curls covering a bit of my big bright eyes,
And I was so happily noisily chewing the hospital cloth!
You have brought us up so well,
With all life's values, truthfulness and love,
You believe in Unity is Strength,
You made us worthy of life,
We look up to your guidance even now!
You said your doors are always open,<
If ever anytime, any problem arises,
That was enough for me to know you,
How much you loved and cared for your dear girl,
That gave me a lot of strength as my life unfurled!
I am so blessed to have you in my life,
Every girl needs a father like you,
To understand, love and support them,
In times of need, to guide and take care,
As every girl has a different story to tell!
I sometimes wonder, how you managed your life?
You grew from scratch and reached the heights,
You write so well, you work so well,
You gave your 100% and did everything very well,
Simple living and high thinking is your way of life!
I look up to you in all you achieved,
You are the pride of our family tree,
We need to work hard and live well too,
And learn a lot from you, Dear Daddy,
Help us and guide us for the times ahead!