Whispers Of The Pen
Whispers Of The Pen

In the twilight's gentle glow I weave,
A tapestry of words, where dreams conceive.
With quill in hand and heart astir,
I'll paint a verse, a tale to stir.
Through meadows green, where flowers bloom,
Whispers of love shall chase away gloom.
Their fragrant breath, a sweet caress,
Enchanting souls, in love's finesse.
On mountains high, where eagles soar,
I'll capture freedom forevermore.
With verses bold, I'll touch the sky,
And taste the winds as they sweep by.
In the depths of oceans, wild and deep,
Where secrets dwell, their mysteries keep,
I'll dive into the azure blue,
And pen a song, the waves wil
l woo.
Beneath a moonlit sky's embrace,
I'll dance with stars, in cosmic grace.
With rhythmic words, a celestial waltz,
I'll write of dreams, where hope exalts.
In every tear that falls like rain,
In every heartache, every pain,
I'll find the solace words provide,
To heal the wounds, let love abide.
For poetry is a timeless art,
That binds us all, soul to soul, heart to heart.
In verses woven, we find our voice,
And in the beauty of words, we rejoice.
So let us dream and let us write,
With pen and paper, day and night.
For through these lines, we can be free,
In the realm of poetry.