Shipra Verma

Abstract Inspirational


Shipra Verma

Abstract Inspirational

This Temporary World

This Temporary World

1 min

The one that beats in every beat

The one that breathes in every breath

My heart, my soul, my whole being

Is made of only those five elements

He who gave me a life to live

To think and know what I should be

Why I'm here on this earth and till when

What I must do before I go

This temporary world and associations

All were part of a vast master plan

We have no idea nor any answers ready

But the master executes all with Elan

Ah, forgetfulness encompasses me

I drown myself in mundane tasks

I'm weak at p

uzzles and mysteries

I understand only just straight talks

You hold my hands tight now o master

I'm walking through troubled times

You're the creator lord and destroyer

With you, I'm always in safe hands. 

Desperate as I am to come home

Home is only where you are with me

When I lose your connection for a while

I feel as if I have become a zombie

May my memories never ever fade

Let me be able to call a spade a spade

When clouds of despair and fear gather

Only the lightning of your love will sparkle.

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