Nique Flynn

Romance Fantasy Inspirational


Nique Flynn

Romance Fantasy Inspirational

Here All Along

Here All Along

2 mins

I heard you calling out for me

So I came in search of you

I walked out my door

Into a world unknown

As the door slowly closed

My light dimming

Darkness consumed me

I stood still, afraid to take another step

Frozen with fear, lost in confusion

Then there it was again

Your voice, calling out for me

I began to walk towards you

Still blinded

My arms reaching out


r: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Where are you?

I hear you, but where are you?

Is this just an illusion?

As soon as I doubted the authenticity

I felt air brushing against my neck

Immediately turning only to see nothing

I'm still blinded by darkness

Questioning my sanity

I began saying aloud "Wake up, just wake up"

Light rushed into what seemed to be nothing but darkness

You stood before me

Your arms reaching for mine

"I've been here all along, you just had to wake up to see me."

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