Dominique Flynn

Abstract Romance Inspirational


Dominique Flynn

Abstract Romance Inspirational



2 mins

A dream,

   of a Rottweiler on a leash.

Love lost,

  a love held within.

Ready to unleash,


Is what I'm willing to be.

Yes its he,

Held, bound.

      But what I can I be.

Childhood memories,


What could,

Or can I be.

Yet he can't hold unto me.

       Once held back.

Now I got the key,


Freed as a bird.


color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"> Willing to sing.

Do you hear my tweets?

            Or do you need wings?

To see.

Taking flight,


Cause I see all the things,

I can see, as a bee.

       Or as that bird.

Flying overseas.

Emotions run deeply,

     you see.

Swam in depths.

Deeper than seas.

     He held unto me,


He, once an anchor.

You see.

I was drowning in seas.

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