Ode To Mine
Ode To Mine

It is time,
My Beautiful Queen
To expose your thoughts to everyone,
To take me into your garden
Of Endless Yearning
And bring crimson blushes
Upon the faces of
Virgil, Hafez
And even on
Immortal Aphrodite
By becoming,
Like dripping stars
In the most shameless
Tangled Twirl of
Unconfined Seduction,
Leaving imprints
Of deep pounding
Upon our sweat-bathe
Silky landscapes
As we keep born-again in the
Midnight sunset...
One breath at the time,
The primal aroma of our love!
And let us articulate
in seamless motions,
To the impulse of this,
Savaged lust...
As we are falling,
Lips to lips,
With burnt wings
In this aching darkness
Into the inviting branches of your
Flirting paradise...
Spellbound and
You summon me,
To enter the most sacred
Temple of All Creations...
Drowning in passion,
We are feeding every craving mussels
With hypnotic weaves of oxygen rush…
One breath at the time,
Pause, move, squeeze,
There are no shadows left in between us,
There is no universe around us
Just the melting
Symphony of every resonating nerve-endings
Exploding in ecstasy,
Making the tides of eternity
To be my witness,
My love is a verb,
And strong as death!