Geeta Gahlot

Drama Tragedy Others


Geeta Gahlot

Drama Tragedy Others

Changing Times

Changing Times

1 min

The times are changing,

The life which was simple is now getting complicated,

Pains of past , lonely present and shaken up dreams,

No one is now ready to take the risks,

So much is happening which we never thought of.

Tornado of thoughts and fears,

Is swallowing the belief in life,

Taking the turns which are leading no where.

How long will we pay the price,

The agony which we have in our hearts,

Is all the result of greed and mad aspirations of few. 

This avarice has to end somewhere,

Our next generations are ruined by us.


hope of getting the perfection,

We have not left anything natural or unadulterated.

History has witnessed,

This unthoughtful speed of action,

Takes to mass killings and destruction.

Even the kings and great soldiers,

Could do nothing when nature got fed up of humans,

Why are we digging our own grave.

This earth was not given to us,

To destroy its beauty and fill it with filth,

We are responsible for our condition today,

This life will keep on changing and never get stable,

If we will not learn to be happy with what we have.


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