Her Scream
Her Scream

She wanted to scream and tell his name,
She was innocent and pure but she had to be blamed,
Her life was ruined and her body was left to decay,
But for her own life, she had no words to say.
He was the relative, a close friend, a regular visitor in the family,
But who will believe her if she wants to remove that fake mask from his face?
He visited the house when she was alone,
Threatened her, fooled her, and tattered her soul,
She lied there like a lifeless bird,
Who wanted to fly but her wings were crippled.
The secret lies buried in her heart
What she saw was not a ni
But something which burnt her from inside.
One day she decided to break this chain
Gathered the courage and stabbed him to death.
That was the day when she could smile,
Alas! Declared a murderer and was sent to prison.
Such a nice guy was killed by a cruel girl,
Maybe he denied her and she killed him
She has no character or shame,
People are perfect in making these tales.
What she faced and how she suffered,
No one will believe, so she has nothing to share.
But this secret will always live in her heart
And she will take it with her to her grave.