As the mystery revealed...
As the mystery revealed...

Part - 2: Connecting the dots
December 26, 2020
Not just the name - 'Ritwik Kapoor ' was same,
But even the crimes were a match.
There's surely some hideen connection,
Which the clues might reveal during investigation....
Having decided to unravel the mystery,
I called my friend again.
He gave me Ritwik's address,
and now, it's the time to tackle the quest...
I observed something, obviously odd -
Red marks below the name plate!
My wit made me click its pictures,
before I ringed Ritwik's bungalow's doorbell.
His wife looked too disturbed, and worried,
And while talking, she quite hurried.
Though a bitter story, it was a clue;
Also, the words seemed genuine and true.
December 27, 2020
Things became a bit clear, after listening to the story she told,
Altogether, a new twist would this case unfold?
Pradeep Chandak's sister was she,
But theirs was not an very happy family;
For she didn't find any fondness for fame,
She thought - every human being is equal, and same.
Her different views annoyed her brothers,
They so decided to fill her life with bothers...
Married her off to Ritwik,who was not much well-to-do,
But she liked her husband, for he was affectionate and true.
And together, both faced the struggles,
and made his drowning business flourish.
But, it eventually aroused competition between
Chandaks and Kapoors, creating anguish....
Everything was going good, she was happy,
until that day
came in her life...
She opened the door to see her husband
scarred and wounded, and she broke down into tears.
The facts that the story revealed,
makes it clear, the case is not what it seemed...
In further search of clues, I reached
the great massive Chandaks' mansion.
Presence of a newcomer there surprised me,
I am Kartik Dev, Pranav Chandak's cousin,said he..
There was something peculiar, I could understand,
He was wearing the watch on his right hand.
When I talked with Pranav Chandak about this,
He stammered, saying Kartik had wounded his left hand.
The next moment he added that the wound was fresh,
In a tone that seemed a way too convincing
And, then my next visit to Ritwik's house
seemed to prove the suspicions that had aroused.
Kartik was an unfamiliar name for her
She knew no such relative, she added further.
And, then I asked about her brother Pradeep
The details she filled in, surely gave a grip...
Pradeep had an inch long scar on his right hand,
Now, the intertwined plot I could understand.
And my friend did the further tasks,
reached the mansion with sanitizers and masks.
Disguised as a Govt Covid healthcare worker,
so his entry in that house was not a difficult matter.
He came back,and brought a clue- like fact,
Kartik had his watch on left hand this time.
And, a scar on the right one was clearly visible,
The case now was not impossible...
Has your curiosity reached to the ultimate heights? Let the curiosity be bubbling, for the cauldron of poems has one more mysterious and suspense-filled potion to reveal....