Poet Shri

Romance Action Classics


Poet Shri

Romance Action Classics

The Dream Voyage

The Dream Voyage

17 mins

I stand on the deck,

Gazing at Apollo’s playground

The shrilling sea-warriors hover above

The suzerain of sky is rising

I salute him with reverence

The zephyr is dancing around

Like a priestess of Ceres,

Fluttering my flag of roaring tiger

My darling ‘Diana’ is sailing with passion

The erotic waves are dragging her on

I see the sea guardians,

Romping in the serene sea

They bid adieu with whistles and clicks

We sail on for hours in hopes to see land

Full of food, wine and damsels

“Ahoy!” shouts a companion on the mast

He points to the horizon covered by mist

Some are scared, some are excited

My fearless darling sails on,

Piercing the curtain of mist

The shrieks of hidden creatures,

Tears apart the souls of some

The broken ships and,

The bones of the dead,

Put hopes in the hearts of none

Suddenly appears tall, mighty rocks,

Threatening to devour us mercilessly

I laugh at them with a smirk,

Steering Diana left and right, right and left,

Accompanied by the cheers of my men

She brings us to the serene sea again,

As we escape the mist of death

She sails on around an isle of boulders;

Round, square, pointy, smooth,

Huge, small, blue, black, brown and green

A pleasant song floats through the air

The melodic tone cheers our hearts

On a little black rock,

Sitting is a beautiful mermaid,

Singing her heart out to the world

Her body shines under Apollo’s gaze

My darling’s presence devours her bliss

She looks at us like a frightened doe

But her fear melts away like dew

She dives into the sea waving at us,

With a smile, disappearing into the deep

We sail on, oh! We sail on

Time flows like water, waiting for none

Our souls grow restless without a hope

As the suzerain of sky melts down,

In the warm embrace of his beloved wife,

The muffled day turns into a bustling night

We drink, we brawl, we laugh, we sing

I savor the nectar sip by sip,

Admiring the diamond studded sky

Morphena lies on me silently

She deeply kisses my drunken eyes

Tightly embraces my weary mind,

As I step into her empire of bliss

My darling sails on relentlessly

I wake up at the “Ahoy! Land” curiously

Excitement, cheers, relief rule the deck

My eyes behold the beautiful crown of Gaia

An island from nowhere

An oasis for a dying hope

Like a lusty lass my darling rushes there

Golden beach, fruitful trees, lush green hills,

Dancing falls, roaming animals and more

Tears of joy burst out as I fall on my knees

My heart pays gratitude to the mighty Zeus

We roam the enchanting island

With insatiable hunger and thirst

The aroma of savory fruits,

In Flora’s garden invites us

The purity of crystal water,

In Nereid’s lake allures us

We swim, we play, we dive, we relax

Morphena approaches me again,

Embracing my weary body smoothly

My mind resists but in vain

It wanders in dreams like Pegasus

An amorous touch of a silky-smooth hand,

Caressing my forehead wakes me up

I sit up with a wary heart and curious eyes

An alluring beauty steps back in fear,

Followed by coyness in her dazzling eyes

Mesmerized are my eyes, eternally

Given is my heart, willingly

Silence rules, but not for long

Whistles of my men wake our senses

Like a flash of lightning

She vanishes into the garden

My heart crumbles under sorrow

My soul sighs in excruciating pain

I shout, I curse, I pray, I seek

We roam the entire island

For her, but in vain

Weary I am, thanks to Aphrodite

Thirsty I am, thanks to Eros

My hope vanishes

Into thin air as night falls

Devastated is my mind, utterly

Tortured is my soul, immensely

Even the soothing touch of Selene fails

I lie on the beach with a sigh of despair

Even Morphena’s embrace depresses

Moments pass slowly

I writhe in ineffable agony

A mellifluous music reaches

My ears out of the blue

Washed away is my sorrow

Without a trace

Mesmerized is my soul

Without resistance

Guided by my heart,

I reach Flora’s garden

The musicale of heaven I behold

My eyes cannot believe it

My mind cannot imagine it

Beautiful nymphs, jubilant satyrs

Playing lyre, aulos, kithara, and more

Envious would be the Musae

Awed would be the mortals

I see her again there,

That alluring beauty

She sings, she dances,

She smiles, she rejoices

So lifeless would seem,

The dance of Terpsichore

So croaky would feel,

The tone of Orpheus

Bedazzled and jubilant,

I reach into her soothing aura

The nymphs gasp in fear

The satyrs stand up in wonder

Her celestial body touches mine

Her wonder struck eyes meet mine

My eager hand seizes her dainty waist

Our hearts beat rhythmically

Our eyes converse silently

Her quivering sweet lips tempt me

Her warm body comforts my heart

My fervent breath flirts with her chest

My teasing gaze plays with her blushed smile

Time runs faster than Hermes, reluctantly

The murmurs spoil our amorous moments

Amused are my men, nymphs and satyrs

Roses of shyness bloom in our cheeks

The gazes of our eyes dance together

“I am Amadeus, son of Hercules…

Grandson of the mighty Zeus!”

Brimming with pride, I say

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

All over her bedazzled eyes

My fingers caress her cheek,

Breaking the spell

The blissful touch of her silky skin,

Binds my soul with the spell of Eros

“I’m Vernalea, daughter of Nike…

The goddess of Victory”

Melodious words laced with blush,

Like music to my ears

Her face gazes down at the floor

I lift her face filled with joy and anxiety

My thirsty lips seal her shivering lips

We savor the nectar of love together

Halted is Chronos in awe

Amused is Nyx with a smile

We see none, we hear none

It is just us in love

“We are still here!” shouts a companion

Teasing whistles depart our greedy lips

The delightful moments leave us in despair,

And the musicale of heaven resumes

My eyes invite her to dance

Her hand joins mine eagerly

Dancing are our feisty bodies merrily

Singing are our joyful hearts in tune

Grand Olympus beholds the spectacle

A smile dances on the lips of the mighty Zeus

Nostalgia erupts in the heart of majestic Hera


The branches of trees break,

Killing our amorous moments

Lo! Twin giants appear

As tall as a rock,

As wide as a hill

They gaze around, amused

They smirk at us, sneering

Fall their lecherous eyes on Vernalea

“In the name of Aphrodite!” one utters,

“She is ours.” other one moves forward

I stand in front of my love

Drawing Neeki and Evoionos,

Gifts from the Hephaestus,

“Ha ha ha ha…!!!” laughs the other one,

Looking down on me as if I am a fly

Like a thunder, his laugh echoes

“Kid, don’t die unnecessarily.” he glares

“I’m Otos, and he is Ephialtes.

We are the sons of Poseidon.”

Saying, the one signals me to leave,

Grabbing his shining spear

But, like the Olympus, I stand firm

“Insolent fool! Die then.” roars Ephialtes,

Charging like the Minotaur with his spear

Screaming nymphs, scared satyrs

Run helter-skelter for their lives

Rising my swords, I hold my ground,

As my companions rush for my aid

Slicing air, Ephialtes’ spear pierces Gaia,

I escape by a hair’s breadth

“Missed me.” mockingly I say

Enraged and snarling, he strikes,

Again, and again, and again

Amused, I move left, right, front, back,

Escaping every time at my will

Exhausted and humiliated,

He grunts and glares

“By the way, I am Amadeus, son of Hercules.”

Like a needle, my words sting their hearts

“Son of that wretch?!” Otos roars, fuming

“Hades shall be pleased to have you.”

Rejuvenated Ephialtes strikes again

Unexpected, unprepared,

The spear strikes me down,

Like an arrow of Artemis

With broken ribs, coughing blood,

I break the spear in two

Shocked are the giants,

But not for long

Like a messenger of death,

Otos spear lunges at me

Hades smiles, Charon awaits,

But not for long

A golden shield out of nowhere,

Blocks the spear away

Amazed, I look at my savior

A blend of emotions takes over me

Perplexed? Euphoric? Amused?

I fail to ascertain anymore

A helmet, shaped like a falcon’s head,

A breastplate, bearing an embossed owl,

A purple colored cape, embroidered in gold,

The shield, engraved with a large ‘Y’

The greaves, covered in intricate art

The sandals, armed with spikes

Behold! The deadly three-tail whip,

Studded with diamond blades,

Tied to its tips are the claws of Nemean lion,

Eager to shred those giants into pieces

As I admire her another form, our eyes meet,

Bringing me back to the present

I close my eyes, steadying my breath,

‘O Zeus, heal me’, are the words I chant

My wound disappears, ribs are fixed

The boon, given by my dear grandfather

Stretching my arms, I stand up smiling

Stunned are the giants, in frustration

Bedazzled is Vernalea, in joy

“Now, it is your turn to meet Hades.”

One of my men mocks, others laugh

Blinded by rage, like a bull the giants charge,

Swinging their iron maces of death

We look at each other, smiling

The roars of the approaching giants echoes,

Inhaling deeply, we hold the ground prepared

Like the comets, Menippe and Metiokhe,

The maces hit my swords and her shield,

pressing us down, four-feet deep,

Shaken is the Gaia by the impact

Rattled are my men by the shockwaves

With all my might, I push the mace up,

Losing balance, Ephialtes staggers back

Jumping out of the pit, I roar

Enraged, he swings his mace

Like a tornado, it approaches

Right moment, right move

I jump on the mace, rush at his face

Sparks fly as my swords grazes along

The screeching sound sends me into frenzy

I leap high in the air, roaring like a lion

As Ephialtes watches me in horror,

Pointed at him are my swords,

Unleashed are the thunderbolts of Zeus,

Striking the giant down to the ground

Scream of agony escapes his mouth

Gaia trembles again in fear,

As he falls unconscious on her

The roar of Otos breaks the frenzy,

As I look at him in awe

What a jaw-dropping moment!

Wrapped around by the deadly whip,

Bleeding are his leg, arm and neck

The claws of Nemean lion,

Sinking in his giant skin,

Slowly but agonizingly

Calling out Poseidon for help,

Otos tries to break free from death,

“Not again!” Hades mutters in frustration

As the whip wrap around tightly

Vernalea pulls back her whip,

Throwing the giant high in the air,

Knocking him out for good

“A boon from Goddess Athena,

Doubled is my physical power,

When my whip wraps around my foe”

Lost in admiration, I look at her

Flooded by shyness, she looks away

A rumble of sea waves,

Approaching us from every corner,

Shrieks of nymphs and satyrs,

Bring us back to the reality

Looking at the sky, we realize,

No moon, no stars, but emptiness

Then we see the gigantic sea waves,

A plethron high, waiting to devour us

“Wretched ones! Imbeciles!

How dare you to kill my sons?”

We turn around to see a flash

Poseidon - the god of sea appears,

Holding the powerful trident

Enraged and bereaved,

His burning eyes glare at us

“O Poseidon, know the truth

Responsible are your sons,

Who tried to dishonor a woman

They had to pay for their crime”

Tries Vernalea to make him realize

What a pity! How unfortunate!

Blinded by the love for his sons,

Grinding his teeth, Poseidon roars

“Stop, you arrogant fool!

You all shall pay for the murder

Be drown along with this island.”

Raising his trident, glaring at us,

He gets ready to command the waves

Lo! A miracle happens with a spectacle

Hundreds of thunderbolts roar,

Brightening up across the dark sky

A thunderous voice startles Poseidon

“Don’t you dare, brother!”

Zeus, my grandfather, appears,

Tearing the sky, standing tall

Everyone salutes him with respect,

Seeing a ray of hope to live

“They must pay for the heinous crime,

Murdering my sons in cold blood

You better not interfere, brother”

Poseidon roars back, shaking in anger

Pointing towards the fallen giants,

Zeus tries to calm his brother

“They are alive, my brother,

Just unconscious and hurt

With the touch of Asclepius,

They will be back on their feet,

Let me summon my grandson”

Unable to believe, but relieved,

Poseidon accepts Zeus’ kind gesture

Behold! The god of medicine appears,

Soothing is his aura, so contagious

Invigorating is his presence, so powerful

Stretching his hands towards them,

He looks at the giants compassionately

Chanting some hymns, releases a mist,

Engulfing and healing the giants

No wounds, no scars, no pain

Lo! Otos and Ephialtes wake up

Rubbing their eyes, stretching their arms

Delighted and relieved is Poseidon,

Expresses his gratitude to Zeus

“You wretches! You are still alive?!

This time, you will die for sure”

The giants roar, looking at us,

In anger and endless humiliation

They stand up to charge at us

“Enough, you f

ools!”, roars Poseidon,

Startling the giants to the core

Shocked to see their father,

They try to complain, glaring at us

“Fools, are you not satisfied enough,

To be humiliated like this by them?”

Hung in shame are their heads,

Sighs in frustration is Poseidon

Bidding Zeus adieu, he leaves

The giants follow him silently

Zeus looks at us with pride,

As we all salute him with gratitude

“We all are proud of you, dear grandson

We shall meet again soon, very soon”

I am perplexed as he winks

“Please, hear my plea, o Zeus!”

A concerned voice is heard,

As my grandfather about to leave

I am in awe to see the person

It is none other than Nike,

The goddess of victory,

The mother of Vernalea

With respect, we all bow,

As she bows before my grandfather

A smile dances upon his lips,

As he signals her to proceed

“O Zeus, heed to my prayer

All these fruitless years,

Searched in vain for a groom,

For my beloved daughter

I found the one at last,

The son of mighty Hercules

I heard what happened here

That I never heard before

I couldn’t find anyone like him,

I won’t find anyone either

More than a husband and wife,

They will be soulmates

Bonded forever, always together

Grant my wish, o Zeus!”

She prays humbly but ardently

Stroking the beard, he thinks,

Keeping everyone on edge

“Pardon me, o Goddess Nike,

May I speak of my mind?”

I continue, as she nods

“I am in love with your daughter,

I will be honored to be her half,

But does she feel the same as me?

Pardon for my bold words, but I,

Will not marry for the sake of marriage,

Or for someone else’s wish

I will remain single till my death,

Until I find my soulmate”

Impressed is Goddess Nike

Proud is my grandfather

“You will be the one, whom I will marry,

Else, I will be a priestess of Athena”

Declares the beautiful Vernalea,

Adamant yet melodious

Wishes my heart to hear her words,

Again and again and again

Laughs my grandfather in jest

“As you all wish… pardon, as we all wish,

Tomorrow will be that auspicious day,

These two will become one forever”

Goddess Nike bows in gratitude,

As he disappears for Olympus

Excited, my men congratulate me

Euphoric, nymphs and satyrs cheer

The ambiance is full of festivity

Yet we hear nothing, we see nothing

Except our heart beats, and each other

“Time to leave, dear daughter

We have to prepare for tomorrow,

The most wonderful day of your life”

Goddess Nike’s words breaks the spell

I nod though my heart becomes heavy

A group of fairies appears as she claps

Their lucent king Oberon greets me

Looking at me with motherly love,

In gentle voice, Goddess Nike invites,

“Please, enjoy our hospitality,

Food, wine and amusement

Spend this night in a villa,

Prepared specially for you

Your men will stay at the quarters”

I heartily accept her invitation

As she leaves with her daughter,

Oberon signals me to follow him

My men and I spend the night,

Savoring delicious food,

Drinking Rond Wine,

Enjoying music and dance

I still feel the emptiness,

Gripping my impatient heart

Retiring to my room,

I collapse on the bed,

As Morphena pounces on me

The chirpy song of birds awakens my senses,

As the rays of Apollo warm my body

Looking out of the window,

I see the mists strolling over the lawn,

As Zephyr fans out cool breeze

My heart yearns for Vernalea,

As her image appears on my mind

Hearing the footsteps, I turn around

Oberon and his fairies greet me

The fairies begin to prepare me,

As soon as he commands

A fine breakfast satisfies my belly

Warm spring water bath relaxes my body

Embroidered silk cloths from the east,

Accompanied by the ornaments,

Studded with precious gems,

I get ready to become Vernalea’s groom

Oberon leads me as I follow him

We reach the Goddess Nike’s palace,

Built in pure white marble stones

I marvel at the architectural beauty

Grandiose in style, refreshing in look

I hear people chattering loudly,

As we near the grand hall,

Surprised I am, as I enter

My parents, my grandparents,

my relatives, my friends,

All are there awaiting my arrival

My father, in joy, receives me with a hug

Megara, my mother, kisses my forehead

Uncles and aunts congratulate me,

Siblings and cousins tease me

My joy knows no bound, like the sky

I pray, let it not be a dream

Reading my mind, smiles Zeus

Hovering over the shiny floor

Lo! The image of my Vernalea appears,

accompanied by her mother and relatives,

Standing in front of the large altar

We witness the beginning of the Proaulia,

The first day of our marriage ceremony

There we see the goddesses,

Artemis, Athena and Aphrodite,

Strong, wise, and beautiful,

Standing on the other side of the altar

Vernalea bows and offers,

A toy bow and arrow to Artemis

Poised, she accepts the offering,

Gesturing the end of childhood

Pleased, Vernalea bows and offers,

Her favorite books to Athena

Proud, she accepts the offering,

Gesturing the initiation into adulthood

Now, Vernalea bows and offers,

A magical jewelry set to Aphrodite

Dazzled, she accepts the offering,

Gesturing the initiation into womanhood

Placing her girdle on the altar,

Vernalea makes the final offering

Satisfied are the goddesses,

Blessed is the delighted Vernalea

The ceremony continues,

As the day progresses into the night

A luxurious feast greets us,

Savory, aromatic, and abundant

Unleashed is our hunger,

Satisfied are our senses

The long night gives way to day,

The beginning of the Gamos,

Second day of our marriage ceremony

The water of Acheron purifies,

The body, mind, and soul of the bride,

Initiating the rituals of Gamos

I wear white and golden silk clothes,

A golden necklace with a hexagonal locket,

Studded with a sparkling blue sapphire,

A gift from my grandfather

A golden belt studded with hessonites,

A gift from my mother

Adorning my head with an olive wreath,

I am ready to meet my bride, impatiently

Oberon takes me to the temple of Hera,

Majestic in grandeur and prestige

I enter and walk towards the altar

There stands Hera, smiling,

The goddess of marriage

Standing next to her is Io,

The grand priestess of Hera

Reaching the altar, I salute her and Io,

And then the guests, esteemed and divine

Aries, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo,

Demeter, Poseidon, Hades, Hephaestus,

Theseus, Prometheus, Perseus, and many

A grand assembly of divinities and valor

Never before, never in future

As the mellifluous music of Orpheus’ lyre,

Dazzles the hearts and minds of ours,

There she comes, like a goddess herself,

My bride, my beloved Vernalea

Covering her face under the veil,

She walks slowly towards the altar

The shyness in her steps,

The excitement in her breath,

Amused and delighted, I smile at her

Dressed in purple-colored clothes,

Adorned with golden embroidery

A golden necklace with a triangle locket,

Studded with an enchanting ruby,

A gift from her teacher

Golden bangles, studded with diamonds,

A gift from her mother

The sound of her silver anklets,

Resonating across the hall

A gift from her aunt

Facing me, she stands near the altar

My heart beats in excitement,

As her scent teases my mind

Waking my mind, the voice of Io

Silences the murmuring guests,

Indicating the initiation of Proteleia

“Today, we will witness,

The sacred union of Amadeus,

The son of Hercules,

And Vernalea, the daughter of Nike

O gods, accept their sacrifice

And bless them with eternal joy”

As Io signals, Oberon brings the sacrifice,

A white stallion; robust but gentle

Holding the sacrificial dagger together,

I and Vernalea pray to the gods

“O powerful and benevolent ones,

We seek your eternal blessings

May you fill our marriage life,

With joy, health, and prosperity

Please, accept this humble offering

Be pleased and bless our marriage”

The warm blood soaks the altar,

As we slit the throat of the stallion

Io collects the blood in the sacred bowl,

Then holds the bowl up, chanting a hymn

The ritual ends as she smears,

The streak of blood on our foreheads

The guests stand up now,

As she presents the sacred rings of gold,

Placed in an intricate silver platter

“The rings symbolize the sacred oath,

Taken by the bride and groom,

Which shouldn’t be broken,

Till death do them part

Do not accept nor put the ring,

if you do not intend to keep the oath”

A moment of silence rules the temple,

Picking the ring, I break the silence

Gently holding Vernalea’s hand,

I put the ring on her finger

Thrilled, my heart beats rapidly again,

Reluctant I am, to let her hand go

Io coughs gently, looking at me,

Embarrassed, I let Vernalea’s hand go

Chuckles and giggles fill the ambiance

Smiling, I put my hand forward,

As Vernalea picks the ring nervously

Shaking, she puts the ring on my finger

Hera comes forward, as Io moves aside

We kneel down before her in reverence,

As the maidens bring two peacocks;

the white and the blue from Bharat

Holding them up, we make the offering

“O Hera, benevolent and powerful,

Please, accept our humble offerings

Bless our marriage to last forever”

Sprinkling the holy water of Acheron,

Chanting the sacred wedding hymns,

Placing her hands upon our heads,

Hera blesses our marriage

“Now you are a husband and wife,

Remember to fulfill your duties

May your married life last till death,

with joy, health, and prosperity”

Delighted, we thank her by heart

“O Hera, benevolent and powerful,

We are grateful for your kindness”

The guests applaud our marriage,

The temple echoes with the clapping

The rituals continue till evening,

But still I cannot remove her veil

Impatient is my heart,

Frustrated is my mind

Yet, I have to be poised,

If not to be embarrassed

As night with the starlit sky dawns,

We return to the palace of Nike

A grand wedding feast awaits,

As we enter the dining hall

On the right, men sit to feast,

On the left, women sit to chit-chat,

Waiting for the men to finish

Time flies as we eat and drink,

Enjoying the music and dance

As men get satisfied,

Women begin their feast

As midnight approaches

Then comes the Oberon,

Requesting everyone to follow him

As we come out of the palace,

Music begins, dance accompanies

It is time for the marriage procession

A chariot made of gold and silver,

Ready to be pulled by the six stallions,

Bearing my flag, awaits us

Holding my wife’s hand,

I lead her to the chariot

The grand procession begins,

As I take the reins in my hand

Bearing the torches, holding the swords,

My men lead the procession

The satyrs play musical instruments,

The nymphs, fairies dance in rhythm

As the stallions trot elegantly,

Our chariot moves smoothly

On their chariots, the relatives follow,

Bringing invaluable gifts for us

Like a python, the procession moves,

Reaching the shore where Diana awaits

I and my still-veiled wife board the ship,

Meeting my mother who greets us in joy

She brings us to the hearth

The dried fruits and nuts are showered,

Blessing us with fertility and prosperity

Finally, the time comes for Anakalypteria,

The moment I had been waiting for

Clapping, Aphrodite silences the guests

“The time has come for the newlyweds,

To start their journey of life together

May they become one forever

May tonight lay the foundation for that”

As she finishes, the guests cheers

I take my wife by the hand to my cabin

Lowering head, she follows me coyly

Reciting the hymn, Aphrodite signals,

In excitement, I remove the veil

Lo! There is my wife, my Vernalea,

Shy and beautiful; yet smiling

Now, she is one of us

I hug her as soon as the door closes,

Though startled, she hugs me back

At last, we find ourselves alone

I laugh heartily as she giggles

Caressing her cheek, I lock her lips

Kissing deeply, we jump on the bed

Bliss and moans rule the night

The night passes in the blink of an eye

The suzerain of sky rises again,

Making way for the Epaulia,

The final day of our marriage ceremony

Excited, my wife awaits at the door

There comes her friends and relatives

They greet and present gifts,

Vases and bowls, having romantic images,

Jewelries and garments from distant lands,

Thanking them, we receive the gifts

My wife’s friends take her to the corner,

Teasing her with interrogation,

They giggle and laugh together,

Making my vulnerable wife blush

I lose myself again admiring her beauty

As the suzerain of sky reaches the peak,

It is time to resume my dream voyage,

This time, with my warrior wife

Holding hands, we bid adieu to the guests,

While Diana moves away from the harbor

As my men and her maidens man the ship,

We look at the western horizon,

hoping to get heroic adventures

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