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Er. Piyush Pandey Trainer B.Tech, MBA



Er. Piyush Pandey Trainer B.Tech, MBA


A Teacher by Heart

A Teacher by Heart

4 mins

I was studying in 9th standard at DAV Public School, which is one of the best schools in the small, beautiful town of Himachal Pradesh, Nahan. I must confess here that I was extremely poor in Mathematics. For me this subject was the scariest subject ever. Doesn't matter how hard I study, I was not able to score well in this subject and I have no regrets in mentioning here that my overall percentage was getting affected by this one subject and I was fearful that it is going to be a big hurdle in getting admission in a reputed engineering college at the time of graduation as I have made up my mind to go for engineering after 12th standard. I used to talk to my friends regarding suggesting me some good mathematics teacher so that I can improve myself but to no use. 

You see when someone is in deep trouble and prays to God, God really listens to that person. To me also God listened, and I came to know that a great personality has decided to start a coaching institution in my town for teaching students their core subjects, along with preparing them for Engineering and Medical entrance examinations. That great personality was none other than Mr.Majoj Rathi, who is himself an engineer. He was a great teacher with exceptional command over Mathematics and many other subjects. The way he taught; he made even the difficult concept easy to understand. The best part of his teaching was he focused on individual ability of his students and guided them accordingly. Because of this it became very easy for students to understand the thigs.

One day I was sitting in his class. As he was teaching, suddenly after completing one topic he said, "Students, I want you to do one thing. Develop the habit of reading your textbooks thoroughly. I know to make things easy we have guidebooks and help books which is fine, very good, but please develop the habit of reading your books thoroughly. Even if it is a mathematics books where you do nothing else except solving numerical. Start one topic and read the complete theory of that for example, what that topic is all about, what types of numerical it contains, how the numerical has been solved etc. If you develop this habit, it will enhance your understanding and you will analyze the subject more deeply."

After listening to him, the same day as I went back to my home after finishing his tuition classes, in my study room I was thinking about Manoj Sir. As I had nothing to do, I just picked up my physics book and start reading a topic, gravitation. As I went on studying, I was feeling like all my doubts are getting cleared and as I finished the lesson, I felt like I have understood enough about the topic. That day I came to know what mistake we students make. We just study at the time of class test, half yearly examination and final year examination. Apart from that we just come to the school and go back. We don't have the habit of learning and especially reading a particular boom for long time so that we can understand the topics. We just cram the subjects two days prior to the examination and wish to achieve more than 90%.

That day I felt so blessed that a person like Honorable Manoj Rathi Sir came into my life and explained to me the real meaning of education and learning. From that day I decided to strictly follow what he said and in the final examination I actually scored excellent percentage. The entire credit of this goes to the great mentor, Mr. Manoj Rathi. And here I feel extremely proud to say that I still follow the same rule while reading anything, which was told to me by Honorable Manoj Rathi Sir.

Today I am myself working as professor in an MBA college, but what he taught me in my 12th standard, it is still helping me in my professional life. Thank you very much Manoj Sir for being the light of my life. 

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