The Deadly Rainfall
The Deadly Rainfall

I was working as a professor in some college and it was a rainy month. I used to travel by my college bus. My house is at a short distance from the main road so the bus drops me on the main road from where I come on foot to my home. Rainfall was a daily occasion whenever I was on my way to my office or back home. Sometimes the rainfall looks very beautiful, makes the environment pure and the roads clean. But sometimes it is deadly as well. One such incidence happened with me also.
One day as usual I was in my college bus coming back to my home. Suddenly heavy rainfall started. My driver was driving very carefully but due to exccessive rainfall even the vipers of the bus were not working. Doesn't matter how fast the wipers were moving the driver was not able to see the route clearly. But he was a careful driver and very carefully he dropped me at that place from where I used to board the bus. It looked like the rainfall is not going to stop and I was not having umbrella also. Somehow I covered my bag in my arms, crossed the road & went to the other side from where a straight road used to go to my home. I was damn sure that the rainfall is not going to stop so I hid myself in the shade of a tree and I started looking for some vehicle that can drop me at my home. Fortunately I saw a small truck. I requested the driver for lift and the kind and driver stop the vehicle. He said, "Sir, please coming inside. I will drop you wherever you want. It's raining heavily. Looking at you I can understand what problem you are facing right now. Please come inside." I thanky the kind driver and entered into his truck. He was a kind person. He started driving towards my home which was at a very small distance from there.
On the way, to the left side, there was a bank. As we were crossing that Bank the employees of that Bank were at the gate of the bank. It looked like the working hours of the bank got over just now. Suddenly there was a pit on the road which we were not able to see because of heavy rainfall. The right hand back side tyre of the tr
uck suddenly got into it, the driver was unable to handle himself, and the entire truck fell down. The truck fell towards its left side and unfortunately I was sitting at the left side of the window seat. The same left side of the truck was lying down, I was lying down and above me there was the driver of the truck.
It was a deadly accident. For few seconds me and the driver were in complete shock. His head hit at the handles of the truck and he was lying unconsciously over me. To me also his weight was unbearable and I was also in pain. Never before such a shocking accident ever happened in my life. started praying Got to please help us. And this is true that if you pray to God from heart, God really blesses you.
At that very moment the employees of the bank saw what happened to us and all of them rushed towards our truck. All the bank employees held the truck from one side and together they lifted it up. They were 30-40 people over there. As my left arm was lying on the ground for a long time, I felt like it has stopped functioning. With my right hand I opened the lock of the door in came out. Then I helped driver also to come out of the truck. The bank employees were so great that they took both of us inside the bank, give us first aid and served as tea and snacks. For 15 to 16 minutes we had a conversation regarding what just happen. After that one of the bank employees safely took me to my home in his car. To the truck driver also the bank employees served tea & snacks. The truck was not much damaged and the truck driver said that he will be able to go back home driving the truck. They gave restroom to the truck driver, give him some first aid and request to him to sleep for a while. After taking rest for a while the truck driver also went back to his home.
This was the most deadliest rainfall I ever saw in my life. Anything could have happened to me beneath that heavy truck. But nobody knows and what form God comes to help his children. That day God came in the form of bank employees.