Er. Piyush Pandey



Er. Piyush Pandey


A Rainy Blessing

A Rainy Blessing

6 mins

Ramesh was working in a highly reputed organisation in Gurgaon. He was working over there since last 2 years. Just like all working professionals want better opportunities with increments in salaries,  Ramesh was also looking for the same. He used to watch advertisements on newspapers daily to check that if some other organisation is offering higher salary and better facilities. One day he found such job. It was a famous organisation that was offering a higher salary with certain facilities and the experience that they were demanding, he was having that experience. Conditions were favorable for him. He thanked God and started preparing to attend the walk-in interview. 

He selected the best professional dress for himself, systematically prepared his resume, refreshed his knowledge in reference to the profile for which they were hiring & he was ready to appear for the interview very confidently. But on that day weather conditions were not good. He thought it will rain but because of little bit sunshine he thought that the sky will be clear & without taking any raincoat or umbrella, he moved out of his house. But he put all his documents in a bag that was waterproof because those documents were his real wealth. 

He was living in Faridabad during those days and the job interview location was Gurgaon. When he started his journey the weather was very fine. It was a bright sunny day and it was looking very beautiful. He prayed to God for giving him success in interview. Taking his assets he took a metro train and reached at a metro station in Gurgaon from where the interview location was at a distance but metro could not go over there. As he stepped out of the railway platform, to his surprise, suddenly it started raining heavily. Within few seconds he was completely drenched in that rainfall. All his enthusiasm for the interview was suddenly gone. He said to himself, "Oh God, today I selected the highly professional  dress code for the interview, but now I am completely drenched. How will I present myself in front of the HR?" The rainfall was becoming even more heavy.  He started looking for some auto rickshaw that can drop me to the actual interview location but all of them refused. 

Suddenly he got a call from his home. It was his wife. She said, "You will fall ill in such a heavy rainfall. There is no need to appear for interview. Please come back. I am 100% sure that no candidate will come today for the interview it's raining so heavy. If you fall ill the chances of appearing for other interviews will also be gone." But he said to her, "No dear, leaving interview is not an option. And who knows if some other day I come for interview, it will not be rainy day? Let me finish this entire procedure and I will call you later, bye." Saying these words he disconnected the call and started searching for e-rickshaw. Because of heavy rainfall he got e-rickshaw after 15 minutes. The interview timings were also running and he was fearful that what will happen if he reaches late. That e-rickshaw puller was very kind person. He took him safely to the interview lo


As he met the HR manager, she was shocked to see that he was completely drenched. She give him a strange look and asked him to wait in cafeteria. Seeing her strange looks Ramesh thought that his first impression is gone. This  rainfall was seriously not a blessing. It is going to spoil his entire reputation. The HR kept waiting for half an hour but she found that no other candidate has appeared for the interview except Ramesh. She called Ramesh in her cabin and asked, "I am sorry but nobody has appeared for this interview except you. I can understand the reason is this rainfall." Very politely Ramesh asked, "Mam I am coming from Faridabad. If you please allow, can I appear for interview?" For few minutes HR was just looking at Ramesh. Then she said okay and the interview started. As interview was over the HR asked Ramesh to wait for few minutes outside the cabin. Ramesh did that. 

Ramesh was waiting. The office of that company was very beautiful. All the employees were busy with their own work. He was  bit confused because except him there was no other candidate to appear for the interview. Many confusing questions started coming in his mind. But after few minutes the HR called him into her cabin. As he reached there, the HR forwarded him a letter and said, "Congratulations Mr. Ramesh, you are selected."

A sweet smile of happiness & satisfaction came on the face of Ramesh after listing to the HR. He said, "Thank you mam, thank you very much for giving this job opportunity." The HR is mild and said, "Mr. Ramesh, I was expecting more candidates to appear for this interview but only you came. And I understand it  is because of heavy rainfall that rest of the candidates did not come. But you see in the same rainfall, I came here to take interviews of candidates. And in the same rain you also came because you desperately need this job, I know." Ramesh was looking surprisingly at her. She said, "Mr Ramesh if extreme conditions are stopping anyone, that person should not stop himself, he should try to stop the extreme conditions." Ramesh was looking at her in approval. She said, "Here is your offer letter. You can start from day after tomorrow. Thank you very much for coming." Smile came on face of Ramesh, with few tears in his eyes. He thanked the HR politely and came out of the office.

It was still raining. As he stepped out of office, he walked for few minutes and suddenly  started laughing and dancing. He was not able to control his happiness of getting the job. Everyone around him was just looking at him. Seeing his xcitement, some small children also accompanied him and started dancing and singing, out of no reason. The HR was watching him from the window, smiling and blessing him from her heart.

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