Meenakshi Shukla



Meenakshi Shukla


Full Circle

Full Circle

1 min

I step outside his car.

My trembling hands 

Catch hold of the door,

To escape a literal fall

While walking right into another...

I put my feet down.

With my son alongside,

Yet I stroll all alone...

"Shraddha old age home"-

Reads the banner outside a house

Right in front of my eyes.

I see about 20 people my age

In the corridor

Before I reach the caretaker's room,

Yet it feels so empty.

Maybe they have bigger halls!

I catch hold of my son's finger

As he moves away dropping me off

To my private room, he specially requested for,

Something I learned from the caretaker.

He must love me so much!

I tighten the grip like he used to hold mine 

As a petrified child.

I'd kiss his hands

Until his fear would melt away.

Teary-eyed, I hold a similar look at him today

But he can't sense it,

He leaves me unkissed.

I miss the days of yore,

Where he'd come running to me after school

And I would lift him up, and swirl him around

He'd say "once more paa", 

I'd happily take his orders

And this would go on for hours.

Today, when I catch up to his car

He doesn't exchange another glance

I weep and cry and sigh

To which he replies

"No more paa"!!

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