Bhagirathi Mohanty



Bhagirathi Mohanty


The Unfortunate

The Unfortunate

4 mins

The darkness of night brings its own brand of intoxication as the day's pressure is  released and the defence is lowered.
But for Rina the reverse happens.She wakes up frequently during the night.
When  the day breaks  the night mare comes to en end giving place to opportunities to engage in little things and chat with her most loving mother.Again the darkness opens fearful and tearful chapters
Born of an S.P.father nothing was demanded of her.She had adequate facilities for learning.She materialised it.She completed her higher studies in Utkal Univrsity in humanity(English).
Since her childhood Rina was vigorous.She toppled others.She never yielded to anyone.She thinks what she does is right.For her hectic attitudes  she has lost a good number of friends but she remains un varying.
Due to her perverse nature she has resigned
from dozens of posts but she does not flex her dignity.
She likes those who are obligatory to her She
expends lavishly for them until she is bankrupt .She scuffles with others for fruitless reasons.She scurns. Nonetheless, detects respect.Her S .P.father had no time to exert about his family problems.
When at home his wife Krishna opens the topic as to Rina 's looseness in wasting money in parties  and picnics.She does not care her but wages Krishna  for  hard cash.
She  has a collection of sweet hearts.They move to her life freely.It is for Rina the hunk-headed lurched  there.
Day by day her ultimatum for cash reaches the extrimity.Thus, she made a lot many complaints against her and wanted quick action.Mr Roy,the S.P. was in a pensive mood. After lending ear
 to her monopoly activities of  against his family status.he was dis heartened and dismayed. He was regretful for his dereliction of his duty.He reasoned prevention is better than cure.immediately he consigned Rina but he was suffused that she had gone out for an urgent piece of work.
The exigencies compelled him to wait for her return.
She transpired late that night.When she taped the calling switch her father opened the door.She looked at him from head to heal as though a  culprit.She was hood winked and exasperated .She spectate s timidly.
Mr.Roy 's frown came to words . He asked sternly ,"Where were you till late hour of the night ?"
Rina' s voice collapsed.After a tireless effort  she uttered,'sorry'.
Mr.Roy roared  ,"Give me satisfactory explanation for your late arrival."
Rina was weeping dependently. In the interval Krishna came  and joined him and demanded  meticulous  punishment.
He gravely said,"henceforth  you can not cross  the threshold without your mother's knowledge.Mind it.It is my final warning.".
Rina was astute.But within minutes  she stock piled courage to attack her aggrieved and angry father.
She said boldly,"I  am not seventeen but twenty  one.I have every right to take any commitment.I will not do any such felony by which my family will hold accountable.It is a happy thing for  all of you that I have started modeling .Today  I took part in miss state competition."
Raj Sundr Roy was dumb-stuck.
Rina went up stairs with hefty steps   carelessly.

The very night Raj Sundar could not sleep well.He woke up late with his phone ringing to over shadow the puzzled night he spent.
He got ready for his duties to confer in the judicial court to abate a crime case.
At the time of putting on his boot and coat Krishna got to there and questioned impunged him,"Did you mark seriously Rina 's conceited manners?Do you not think it is time to put in readiness for her marriage?If we make late we will have to pay in great degree."
Raj Sundar said,"I  understand it but I can't take strain as I am in a trust worthy post." 
Krishna  followed him to the car.When he was about to start using the gear he recommended ,"Hence forth it is your duty to find out a better groom for her what it may.
He vanished in minutes.She looked vacantly when the vehicle was racing forward  over burdening her head.
She sat quiet and pondered over the circumstance   to get hold of a solution.
After her father's depart ure ,Rina descended putting on her fashionable attire. She carried on with  her mother for cash.She surveyed Rina  apparently ,  what for she wants money , She ignored it and snathed the key . She opened the iron chest and took away the required amount. 
Rina stroded over the scooty   and disappeared in a  moment.
She stared at  her desperately and made herself responsible to her for Rina's absolute fall of moral standard. She stood destituedly and mistifyingly .
It was noon .The  sky was over burdened with black clouds.It started thundering.Then followed by heavy showers and the wind turned to  tempest.The panes dashed against each other producing a chiding noise.
Krishna  was annoyed as Rina did not get to home.Her puzzled  mind relieved when she heard the long knocking.She opened the door.Rina entered the sitting room with a hand some dude.Both of them had drenched all through.
Rina climbed up stair to change her dress.Her mother brought Pantaloon   and Tshirt for the guy.
They sat on the sofa waiting for hot cups  of coffee.The servant served the most needed coffee cups.
Pointing her finger at the guy Krishna asked,"Who is this young man?"
Rina replied calmly ,"He is Utsab the chief manager of flattered      friends with the help of facebook."
Utsab lowered his head and paid reverent 'Pranam'.
A special quality ,Krishna  smeared that he was as sober as a judge and well   mannered
In course of discussion he said,"Iam very homesick.I love my family the most especially my elder brother   Gaurab,a steno to Gopika sen,the sub judge of Naya garh.

Krishna  heard everything and deeply moved by  his astute. 
When she was  distressed for a fitting and stable lad for her daughter he came in to sight him self.She should not let by this chance from her hand.
It stopped raining.The sun shone brightly.Utsab revered Krishna  and departed.
After he went off Krishna  asked Rina,"How do you  take delight on the youngman?""
,"Mama he is the best among my bachelor friends.I do not know why I  am fond of him."
Krishna  continued with positiveness,"He may seem the best for you ,my experience says ,"A few words with him does not reveal out the whole truth.He seems candor but I can not go by his out ward serenity.I wante to know the detail  regarding his family status"
,"But why?"Rina contended .
,"It is our business.Youୁ have nothing to do in this regard.Just tell his full name"
,"Utsab Pattnayak of khordha". .She comprehended .
In that very night Krishna   called up Mr.Roy  and integrated  him that they are propitious  as  the spouse they were questing for their daughter, is apeature.
Mr.Roy expressed his over whelming gaity , "Of course, "It is incredible."
He asked anxiously,"Who is the lad ? ?"Examine his. nitty gritty"
Krishna clarified him."He is Utsab,the younger brother of   Gaurab,the steno to the sub judge Gopika Sen of
 Naya garh."
The next day S.P.Raj Sundar chilled to the sub-judge office,Nayagarh.

Steno Gaurab received the phone and asked inquisitively,"Hello who are you speaking ?"
,"I am Raj Sundar Roy ,S.P.Jaypur".Sir.. ma'am , is not on duty today."

,"To- what- end is she ?"
Madam sir Gopika Sen is on leave."
,"Okay,can you supply me her contact number?"
S.P.Sab,it is beyond my jurisdiction  "
TheS.P. bobed  ,"How did you obation her fax number?It is  not as per law..?"
"Sir,Gaurab 's voice shoke.
Again he interrogated ,"Can you say candidly,whom

do you fear Mrs.Sen or your boss?"

,,"Yes,my boss,Mrs.Sen.Y...e...s,no"
He stammered 
,"What is the cause you seem stress ! "The  S.P.interrogated in  a commanding voice.
,"you are afraid of me un like an ordinary man but like a bandit."
,"No sir,it is not compatible as you mis trust"Said  Gaurab over wrought.I use to go to madam' s quarters in high priority.By way of regular visit I  acquired  knowledge concerning  her personal number
Truly speaking she loves me as her brother."
,"She loves you!wah,you are very lucky."Laughed the S.P.
He created such a situation that Gaurab was enthralled  to give her  fax number.
The same night ,S.P.Mr.Roy called  up Mrs.Sen in her fax  number.Initially she did not respond  a stranger's number.When it rang consistently  ,she picked it up.
She did not say hello but roared,"Who are you speaking to me?How dare you call  me ?"
,"I am the S.P.ofJay pur".
Mrs.sen,the magistrate 's voice fell to zero degree.
She asked coolly,"Sir good evening. .  If you  never mind how did you get my facsimile ?"
",It is Gaurab,your steno who helped  me get it".He illuminated.
Gopika hanged over the phone.
 ,"what  happened  madam?Am I  audible?
Mr.S.p.asked diligently .
,"Okay sir how can I help you?"
,"Madam,I came up with the fact that you have nice relation with Utsab  's family since you have joined  at Nayagarh sub-judge  office?" 
Gopika Sen said impassively,"Yes,he is Gaurab 's younger brother,"
,"Well,how do you know him as a lad?"He asked inquisitively.
Gopika Sen probed,"Sir ,Why do you want  delineate  about Utsab?"
,"It is because we have decided to give my daughter ,Rina in 
marriage to him."concluded  Mr.S.P.
Mrs.Sen felt frozen.
 Mr.Roy grilled ,"Is Utsab rightly chosen?"
Gopika sen , broadly gleamed .
'"Madam,is it literal  that you have   effinity with Utsab 's  family?"Mr.Roy queried the veracity.
The smart phone shook in her hand.
Instantly,she was panicked and said  ,"Your selection is right".
The cell telephone fell from her hand and dashed on the floor with slamming noise.
The next day when Mrs . Sen drove to the office ,Gaurab sent a smile that had no sweetness.But Mrs.Sen  cuddled. 

Gaurab 's heartache  released.
She sent across  last night 's awe some happening and made him relax by asking ,"Do you agree to Mr.S.P.' s marriage plan of Utsab with his daughter which he put forward to me the previous night?"
He gazed at him blankly as he knew without her approval his family can not shift an  inch.
She surveyed him in contemplation
He understood her intention .
He suggested,"You  should talk to the the light of ours is a respectful family in our locality."
,"Do you think his marriage should be settled so soon?He is only thirty four.Probably  I will not explain why I want to delay it.,"She squinted and squirmed.
All is well with Gopika but without her the gale is on progress.
But his wife Garima shows her daringness against Gopika storm.She raises voice against her dictatorship .
It is very interesting that  
both Gopika and Gaurab are married  even so they  acquit like newly married couple  in solo.
One can blindly  say who might be the first one to create such a Candace :possibly not the subordinate but the boss.
Gopika fell in lustful love with Gaurab for his heroic looks.
She steers both  the brothers diplomatically .
When her husband complains it she threatens him for divorce.Disagreement arose between them time and again . Consequently, she divorced  him.
At this point,  the ambiance befitted
 her to carry on with her lecher  activities.
Ruund the clock, she spread snare to catch Utsab next to Gaurab.
Being a lower-ranking employee he could not object to her licentious pursuit.
When she submitted before him to marry her she did not think for a moment that he was married and he had a family, depended on him.
Her juggernaut proposal unleashed the family turmoil which she could not control.
Gaurab tried to  expede but it was ineffective .Mrs.Sen was rigid to her approach.Like wild fire it spread nok and corner.Garima attempted   suicide.Eventually, she   squeked.
With a view to to keep away from arrogant Gopika he strived in the higher level for his deportation but it was in vain , because of the  tyrant lady
Rumor spred that the two connubials got hitched up confidentiality .But there was no firm stand behind it.
Utsab noticed all these injustice and waited for the right opportunity.
Mrs.Sen was an obstruction to his marriage.
confidentiality ,Gaurab and Utsab collaborated  to Mr.Raj sundar and wanted him to advance on with the proposal of marriage and make it successful.
Rina 's parents' were fed up not being able to sort out another groom for her for tardy time.So they  took resolution to settle marriage with Utsab without going through the chronological history of Utsab 's family.
Had they tried to know the attributes of his family they would not have bluffed  and making   mistake  to resolve with him.
Utsab wanted the nuptial  to instal very soon.
Rina' s parents were much delighted and relaxed after the wedding ceremony.They were satisfied  that in the long run the problem solved.But it expanded its fang to throw the venom.
After Utsab 's nuptial there was a  tag of war between Gopika and Gaurab.She demanded  Gaurab for Utsab 's break up .He was disheartened and appreased to Utsab.He waved it terribly.
 .He warned his elder brother to eliminate   relation with her what  it may.
Rina was restless.She began distrust both Gaurab and Utsab.Her surmise grew when   Utsab talked to some one till let night
Right after he brought down the phone she asked ,"With whom did you chatter adieu ?"
He irradiated  ," Mind your   own business." i
Almost all nights Utsab returned  from bank over drunk
Rina did a blunder by not informing the fact to her parents relating to the current occurance as she thought that it will be resolved spontaneously.
In the interim ,Gaurab and Utsab intrigued  to take vengeance on the haughty lady.
Utsab posed that he was going out side for a fort night for a bank allocation .He suggested  Rina to pay a visit her papa and Mama in default of him.She was impassioned to it.
It is right time to work out their plan.
It was a privilege  that  Gopika Sen was shifted to cuttack.It was a good tiding to them.
Both of them conspired the intrigue.
They got to  cuttack in Mrs Sen 's quarters in the  pretext of helping her conserve the articles in proper order to win her trust.
Mrs. sen went to bed  on simple faith  that they would finalize the arrangement.
It was 2 A.M.Mrs.Sen was snoring.Utsab swallowed a bottle of scotch.The guard was  in  deep sleep!
Utsab said,"Good-by Bhabiji".
He promptly attacked her with a honed carver .He ran through it repeatedly .She only uttered 'Ah' once.In a moment she got rid of her pain and slept peacefully for ever.
They covered a bed sheet on the corpse and fled away in high speed in  a Pulsar bike.
When the guard awoke he saw the magistate in a pool of blood.She was dead.Immediately he contacted  theS.P.
A  police platon followed the two brothers.They were arrested and brought to the police castody.
A  murder case was filed against them.After five years the final judgement  proclaimed .Both the brothers got life term punishment .  ..........

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