The Captive_Episode 7
The Captive_Episode 7

Story so Far: The investigation into the abduction of Kruthi Shah’s case is turning into a different direction. There have been cases of missing women reported from that area. Is it a serial crime? How big this could get?
This episode:
Kruthi was still unconscious from the several surgeries and there was no way that Madhuri could talk to her. There was so much to ask, so many details required. She had to wait for the girl to be in a mental and physical condition fit to answer her questions/investigation. She doubled the security at the hospital placing Kruthi in constant observation and safety. In the light of the new events she discovered, there was a high chance that the abductors could come for her. She could be holding information posing a threat to them.
Today was Anthony Pastor’s funeral. She would interrogate his wife after the funeral. The funeral was simple, only Anthony’s wife, his son and the priest were present other than Madhuri. There was no one else. Dhananjay was putting all the details of the abandoned house and the properties nearby, Aryaveer compiling the list of missing persons in the last one year and Saran was checking every minute detail of Anthony Pastor, his phone records, his office records, his friends, his whereabouts in the last week and all that could possibly help them with some information about his role in the abduction.
Whilma Pastor was a short and plump woman with no particular good features. She wasn’t ugly, but she wasn’t beautiful either. She kept herself in the most unattractive way. Their son Zachary Pastor was a cute boy of seven years old, very large inquisitive eyes and looked very similar to his father. Whilma sent the boy outside to play, and Madhuri began her questioning.
‘Did your husband tell you where he was going on the night of 7th March?’
‘No. He never told me where he went.’
‘Was it common for him to stay out during the nights?’
‘Yes. There were midnight sermons in the church and not only that he was also an exorcist. He freed several people from the possessed spirits. You know, there are several families who thank him daily in their prayers.’
‘Hmmm. Why was there no one in today’s funeral?’
Whilma Pastor broke into tears.
‘I understand.’ Madhuri tried to console her.
‘You don’t understand anything.’ Whilma snapped at Madhuri. ‘I am telling you my husband was framed. For God’s sake, he w
as a holy man. He could not even kill a fly and you people have charged him with rape and kidnapping. Holy lord! He would never do such a thing.’
‘So you are saying that your husband never informed you where he was going and you never asked?’
‘Any close friends of your husband?’
‘Not that I know of. Family and church was everything to him. He was at home or church.’
Madhuri threw a doubtful glance at Whilma, and Whilma modified her statement, ‘And if he went to any other place, I do not know. But I am sure he was there to help people.’
Mrs. Whilma Anthony Pastor had no information, she did not know where her husband went during nights, blinded totally and even though the evidence screamed out at her face, she believed her husband was innocent.
Madhuri decided to check his room and was led by Whilma to their bedroom, and another room where Anthony worked mostly. There were all kinds of religious books, copies of bible and sacraments. There were also mementoes and cards from families thanking him. The room was clean, not a speck of dust. Even the bedroom was clean and neatly kept. There was order everywhere. Even the books were arranged properly by date and theme. She checked the closet, there was nothing much. Again, books, few clothes, gumboots, a fishing rod, discarded wooden planks.
On one of the doors, on the inside was a barcode. A barcode for what, and why would Anthony put it there, she wondered. She took a picture of it with her mobile. The house was already searched by her team for any kind of evidence. She wanted to give one more try just in case. As she left the house, she thought about the barcode. Whilma did not know anything about it. What does the barcode open?
She received files from Aryaveer and Dhananjay by the time she returned to office. She discussed her interrogation with Saran. She hoped Saran had something worthwhile. But there was absolutely nothing. The call records were normal, nothing suspicious, calls from church and family. There weren’t many. On 14th of February, when Kruthi was abducted he was at the church. Madhuri slapped her desk with her fist.
‘There has to be something there. Some clue. Some hint. Something that connects him with the other two. And this bar code?’ Madhuri was getting frustrated.
‘I sent the barcode to the computer team. Hopefully, they find something.’ Saran tried to raise her hopes.
There was nothing to do but go through the files that were on her desk. They had hoped they will find something in Anthony Pastor’s phone records but that too did not work. It was going to be a long night.