The Reasoning Behind Dick Pics
The Reasoning Behind Dick Pics

What's the reason behind the dick pics?
So if you read my blog you know that for some reason I get at of dick pics. I mean a lot like I could open up my own porn hub…a lot. Now before the peanut gallery jumps in to ask about my profile let me tell you. In my profile, I don't have sexy pics, and no tiny bikini pics, hell, no beach pics at all. All of my pictures are very classy, no tits hanging out, coochie shots, nope none of that. I also say I am looking for a long term relationship and that I am Christian. But does that deter these strange men from sending dick pics…nope, not in the least?
My recent dick pic encounter was really strange. Not saying the other ones weren't but this one I really, really couldn't understand why. Let me explain, I went out on a date with this man one time. I really wasn't feeling him but he kept hitting me up even though I explained that I was busy and didn't want to go out again.
Fast forward 2 months and nothing from him. During that time I met someone who I was vibing with and decided to pursue whatever this was with him.
When out of the blue this man texts me and says "Could I spare him a little time for him to make love to me, I can't get over you"
Wtf? It was one date, months ago and how presumptuous to even text me that? Seriously dude is that the best line you can come up with?
I decided to try to be nice and say "I'm sorry I've met someone and decided to pursue it. I
wish you all the luck in the world. It was a pleasure meeting you"
Now if you follow me you know I am a true New Yorker who can go sidewise on a mfer. But I didn't, I was trying to be nice here.
So guess what this dirtbag does… come on guess…
Yup, he sends me a dick pic and to top it off as if that wasn't bad enough. Ok that he writes "I could have given you all this sausage right here"
Are you kidding me? What did he think that once I saw it that I would say "Omg! That's it I'm going to break it off with this new guy and definitely come running to you?" Why? What was the thought process behind the sausage picture? I need to know.
When I text back really….seriously??
He writes back did you like it?
Hello did you fail the texting class? Did you not get the are you frigging kidding me emoji? I can't…I'm done.
I don't get this and this happens with all types of men. All colours, big or tiny weenie, young or saggy ball old, there is no rhyme or reason to these dick pics.
Some men should be ashamed of themselves, like seriously ashamed of showing that thing. But yet no one does, they just keep sending them.
So today my friends my question is why? What do you expect to get out of sending the not so famous, dick pic? We need to know, and why after turning a man down nicely would you send this? I need to know the reasoning behind the dreaded dick pic…