Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats

Romance Inspirational Others


Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats

Romance Inspirational Others

Blessed To Have Women Friends

Blessed To Have Women Friends

2 mins

Blessed To Have Women Friends 

So Saturday was International Women's Day.  

I got to spend the day with some old friends and got to meet some new friends and it was an amazing day. Every time I get to be with my close women friends, especially when we go on our yearly girl's trip, I realize how blessed I am that I have these wonderful ladies in my life. Life is not about likes or money or status, it's about who is there for you. Who knows the real you and still love you...this is priceless.

I am a huge women's woman. I uplift other women. I want women to do good, and to be the best they can be, and I want all of us to help each other out. 

I can't stand these reality shows like The Housewives of who gives a shit. Shows like that show women tearing each other down, talking bad about each other, and trying to make each other look bad to the world. These are not women, these are little girls that have not grown up. They are jealous and petty women and they will never know the feeling of true sisterhood because of this. I

know we all know these types of women in real life as well.

I feel sorry for them as I know what it's like to have a family of women. A tribe that supports me and who I support. There is no jealousy here. We want the best for each other. We would never make any of them look or feel bad. We know as we have all been there. We have all made bad decisions. We have all picked the wrong man or fell or failed. But we know that we have each other to help us get back up. We have each other to encourage, and to say give it another try. They allow us to cry and scream. And then tell us to get our shit together, learn our lessons, and move on. 

So today my friends, I am here to tell you that I couldn't imagine my life without my female friends. I hope that one day all women will realize this. It's not a competition, when we lift one woman, we lift all women. We need to realize how blessed we are to have women friends and we need to celebrate each other not just on this one day but every day.

“Be the change you want to see” 

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