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MBBS from The Medical College, Kolkata”, University of Calcutta, W.B (year -: january 1981 passout); M.D
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MBBS from The Medical College, Kolkata”, University of Calcutta, W.B (year -: january 1981 passout); M.D
( Pathology) from Institute of PostGraduate Medical Education & Research of University of Calcutta (year-: December 1989 pass out), Fellows of Indian College of Pathology (FICPATH year-: december 1997), Retiered as “Professor” & Head (from Department of Pathology, Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata, West Bengal) & Ex Professor of Pathology at Murshidabad Medical College, Berhampore , Murshidabad, West Bengal India. He was Ex-Professor and Ex- Head of Pathology at Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine and Ex supervisor , convener, members secretary, member of Board of Studies for( BOS) UG/PG/PD and D.C.P (at Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine) courses of West Bengal University of Health Sciences (WBUHS); also Ex Professor & Head of Pathology at Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, The Medical College, Kolkata. He was Additional Professor in Pathology at IPGME&R ,Kolkata and was Professor of West Bengal University of Health Sciences (WBUHS) at University college of Medicine ,JNM Medical college ,Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal ( in year 2011 ) . He acquired vast teaching, administrative and also diplomatic experiences in Government services (Both in WBHS and in WBMES cadre ),under the Health and Family Welfare department of West Bengal government ,Swasthya Bhavan, Salt lake city, Kolkata -93 , spanning more than three and half decades (37 years 08 months of Services).He also had credited himself as very much popular and one of the most knowledgeable MCI / now NMC Recognized Doctoral /Post Graduate teacher ( Teacher NO- PAT-900415 of NMC ); university Examiner, Paper setter; MD /PhD Thesis Guide and Adjudicators in discipline Pathology in this country/as well in the state of West Bengal and worked as teacher in Pathology in all capacities in previous five tire promotional system of WBMES cadre of government of West Bengal, in West Bengal state of India he retired now . His date of superannuation was 31.03.2021 from WBMES cadre services as "Professor of Pathology" in equivalent officiating ranks and power of "Special Secretary '' to the government of West Bengal. and later he joined as Dean/ Principal in a Public Private partnership model Medical College
( with H&FW ,Govt of West Bengal) at chakdha,Ranaghat ,Nadia, West Bengal
And since 6.02.2023 with JIS University Kolkata , as Professor and Head of Pathology, in JIS School of Medical Sciences and Research ,Santragachi ,Howrah ,West Bengal
He has been regularly publishing most spectacular and excellent scientific articles, as Editorials / Review articles/ case reports / as comments / Rapid responses published/ Responses/ Letters to the Editor / Electronic letters/ correspondences/ and his original research papers in Indian National level and of International level most reputed, external double blinded peer reviewed, indexed journals of Biomedicine and of Science, like Physics/ Particle Physics/, Theoretical Physics/, Space Sciences, Astronomy / Astrophysics/ Astrobiology journals with very high or topmost impact factors by Reuter Thomson /ISI/Copernicus/COPUS/Excerpta Medicus or Elsevier Science/ Researchgate/ Pub Facts/ Pub-lon/ Pubmed / Google scholar/ copus/ science Gate/ science open , semantic scholar with his tween sibling brothers Mr.Rupak Bhattachrya, Mr. Ritwick Bhattacharya , his sister Mrs. Dalia Mukherjee and his daughter Miss Upasana Bhattacharya under his own Intellectual Property Rights (all acts and laws) Copyright as a registered personal , RDF Copyright , PIP Copyright-2012 USA and in Copyright works, USA .
Published Research Papers-:
He published so far 336 Research Papers /Articles in various journals of National and International repute ( including in Science magazine of USA, PNAS USA, the BMJ , BMJ opinion, BMJ Blogs, BMJ case reports , BMJ Open , JAMA, JCI, Nejm now, The Lancet, RSBMT, JCP, ICPJ, ATMPH, African lense, Blood, cell, and Nature journal, Journal of Genetic mutation disorders, Plos one, plos , Medcrave, STM group journals from UK) SSRN of Elsevier BV as pre prints & in National and International conferences of academic bodies as Abstracts.
He has more than 370 citations references of his published articles in International Journals ,books, MD/ MS Thesis of WBUHS / or University of Calcutta and in book chapters by various international authors. He owns a blog in his name at Google blogs spot with more than 356 posts by himself and his Associate authors . Average viewers of his free blogs articles published are 90,000 every year. from all over the world total viewers 1,7 lakhs present .
Awards Received and nominated for awards -:
He was the recipient of several (09) Medals , Prizes of University of Calcutta, 98 Certificates of merits , Excellences and Medals of college , and of various academic bodies, government of India registered NGOs,Organizations and many Guest speakers, keynote speaker, Chairpersons , Judges of free and award papers presentation, conferences & in scientific webinars participation certificates including certificate of his excellences.
Various national and international Awards conferred to him-:
He is recipient of “Rashtriya Gaurav Award of India” (conferred 2016 August) and” Glory of India Award”( conferred 2016 ), Bharat Ratna Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence in Astronomy, On Theoretical physics ( conferred 2017 January and in 2021 November ) ; Mother Teresa Peace Prize (conferred 2017 May); Mahatma Gandhi Excellence award (conferred October 2017), Mahatma Gandhi Life Time achievement award ( conferred 2019 May ) and Glory of India Gold Medal ( Conferred May 2019) from India International Friendship Society (IIFS) of New Delhi, India, and Bangkok Thailand in 2016 , 2017and 2019. He was selected for “Jewel of India Prize”” of IIFS, New Delhi in 2019. He was awarded Best Citizen of India award ( 2017). He was selected for Rashtriya Pratibha ( for most Talented Personality in India) Award of Indo Socio Development Association( March 2018) ; He was Selected for I-Proclaim Annual Research Awards - 2017 as Lifetime Achievement (Awards for Publication Excellence) in Medical Sciences & Lifetime Achievement (Awards for Publication Citation) Medical Sciences at Kuala lumPur From ABC Malaysia (He did not receive that ). International Accreditation Authority( IAA Education India Summit & Awards - New delhi) for best faculty award ( January 2018 ) (but he declined to receive that). He was awarded EET CRS 3rd South Asian Education Award 2018 “Best Faculty Award”. He was awarded for “LifeTime Achievement award of IARDO” kota New delhi ( multi Disciplinary Research and latest Innovation organized by International Association of Research and developed Organisation (IARDO) 2018 .
He was awarded the “Distinguished Researchers award 2018” of International institute of Organized Research of Chandigarh
He was awarded “ the Excellence of Pathology” Award-2019 of Venus International Medical Awards (VIMA) of Venus international foundation chennai at 2nd international Medical summit in chennai in 2019.
He had been awarded special category award Lifetime Achievement award Sushrut Award of iERP (Noida) -2019 in march 2019“ of INTERNATIONAL EXEMPLARY RESEARCH AND PERFORMANCE AWARDS.
He had been awarded "Lifetime Achievement award " of 2nd international scientist awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine of V D GOOD Professional Associations at Visakhapatnam, india ( conferred on 15-16th November 2019 ) and he was selected for the 'Distinguished scientists awards" and Excellence services awards" of international scientist awards 2022 on engineering science and Medicine( INSO awards held at coimbatore, India, on 18th June 2022)
He was nominated for Right livelihood award- (Alternative Nobel prize) 2018-2021 by Adam Mc. Beth of Right Livelihood foundation Geneva .
He was a successfully nominated person for Global award "LifeTime Achievement award on research -2019 " award of ASDF London in 31st december 2019( Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties) and Bharat Gaurav award-2019 of Bharat Gaurav Foundation.He had been nominated and was shortlisted for Icons of the year -Pathology of India Diagnostic Award 2020, ET Health Economics Time ( not awarded finally)
He had been awarded" LifeTime Achievement Awards for I2OR National Awards 2020" He had been also awarded " 100 Eminent Academicians of 2021 and 50 Eminent Researchers of 2021"of International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR) a registered MSME with ministry of MSME Government of India, and his name and biography included in books published by I2OR in December 2021. In 25th December -2022, he was awarded "the International Academic Leader A- 2022 of Global Educational Conclave awards "
He was awarded the IERP Special category “LifeTime Achievement award” of International Society for Contemporary Medical Research (ISfCMR) .
He was awarded Äcademic Excellence Award” of Institute of Scholars (InSc award 2020) Bangalore India in february 2020.
He had been awarded the prestigious & elite International Distinguished Academic Leader Award 2020 of Green ThinkersZ Society and ISRD Chandigarh.
He was awarded the LifeTime Achievement Award- 2020 of Scholars Academic and Scientific Society of Guwahati, Assam state of India.
He had been awarded the LifeTime Achievement National Awards 2020 in Medical Science, Hematology, Pathology and Science of International Institute of Organized Research, Chandigarh
He has been awarded "Life Time Achievement Awards" of Novel Research Academy of Puducherry for 2021 (conferred on January 2021). He has been honoured with it's highest honor "Honorary Life Fellow (HLF)" of Novel Research Academy (conferred in June 2021)
He has been awarded Life Time Achievement Awards of "India Iconic Education National Awards-2021 of Dream Catcher Pageants,New Delhi (conferred 14th March,2021)
He has been awarded his 15th LifeTime Achievement Awards from Science Father (SHEN AWARDS- 2020& 2021) and of LifeTime Achievements Awards of International Research Awards on Science Health and Engineering 2021 (conferred in 24 th june 2021)
Awarded Global Excellence Life Time Teaching Achievements awards in Medical science on teachers day 5th September his 16th LifeTime Achievement ,Awards
He had been selected for Glantor x (Bangalore) Education Leadership A- 2022, Nation choice awards for hundred Educationist 2022, hundred powerful personality in India, 2022 and Fox story India's Chandigarh 's 100 Influential Indian 2022
He was awarded "Doctors Choice Awards of Canada" Top Doctors in Pathology for the month November 2021 and he has been awarded 2021 "DCA Top 100 Doctor awards in Pathology, 2021" based on review by Global Doctors
He has been awarded international Academic Leaders of the award 2022 of Global education conclave award 2022 , and selected as one of ten internationally key note speaker on quality and challenges in education, by the International Institute of organized Research (I2OR), Chandigarh which is a registered MSME with the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India
He was invited by Prof. Dr. Richard Horton ,the Chief Editor of world's Top Medical journal "The Lancet journal' and he participated as invited guests in 'The Lancet & Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences ( CAM) ' 5th online conference on covid- 19 held in December 2020, as well in the 6th conference held on November 2021 on covid -19 and climates changes too . He received Certificate of three days participation of Webner of "The Lancet " Peer Reviewers for the Identity and Recognition of the Lancet Peer Reviewers dated 20.09-24.09.21 and 6th BMJ E conclave 2021 on "True Partnership between Researchers clinicians, librarians and BMJ to create a healthier world" on 28.10.21on invitation from Fiona Godley the editor in chief The BMJ
He has been selected as editorial board members of an indexed journal Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health of AHRO (African Health Research Organization ).He has been honored as honorary faculty of AHRO University in clincal research and infectious diseases department Science Father
He attended Physically on official email invitations most prestigious "Nobel Prize Dialogues" in 2019 November at Berlin, Germany,; on Virtual online "Nobel Week Dialogues" in 2020 December ,In 2021 December, held in Stockholm, in 2022 December held in stockholm and "Nobel Prize Summit" on 2021 April , "Nobel Prize Teachers Summit" in Stockholm on 8th October 2021 by official invitations and as a registered delegate, from the Nobel Foundation and Nobel Prize Museum, stockholm itself . He has been officially invited and attained virtual online event of "Nobel Prize Summit 2023' at Washington DC US from 24.05 to 26.05.23"
He was keynote Guest speaker on molecular genetics and gene therapy in Beta Thalassemia in the 5th world Congress on Pathology and Clinical Practice of confrence series LLC Ltd Pathology summit 2023, held at Berkshire, London, on 25 th and 26 th January 2023 as well as one of organizing committee members of the congress summit
He is also one of speaker as well organizing members on Digital Pathology in "Hillaris conference" International Conference and Expo on Pathology to be held on 25th and 26th oct 2023 at London
He was nominated for the highest Awards( Special Endowment Medal) “Coates Medal” of University of Calcutta ( year 1999-2000); “Ranbaxy Research Award ( 2011)” ; “Padmashree”- Indian 3rd highest Civilian National award(2022); BMJ Best Research Award and LaL Bahadur Shastri National Award ( in 2017); and SKOCH awards of SKOCH group on sicio economic issues ,MSME Government of India, for his contribution in higher education services and Research in 2023
He applied and was officially nominated before the selection and search committees for the Prestigious Posts of “ The Director of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi ( in year 2013 & in year 2016); Director of Medical Education Services of West Bengal State [ WBMES cadre] (in 2017 ) and was nominated for post of Vice chancellor of WBUHS (in year 2012,2016) West Bengal before the search comitee.
Members or Life members of academic Organizations -:
He is ordinary member or life member of many ( 30) international organizations and He acted as nominator for the Nobel Prizes ; member & nominator for Kavoli foundations , Norway, for Theoretical physics ; Twice official nominators for BMJ best awards ; Eppendorf Eppendorf prize of American Association for the Advancement of Science; Nature Networks, Science Magazine of ( Doximity of USA community members of Nobel Peace Prize Forum, Oslo ; member of International Peace Bauru (Indian Division); Nominator for Emeritus Professor of National Board of Examinations New Delhi ; Community Members of “The Guardian” Newspaper UK ; World literature Today ; OutLook India; OPen magazine DISQUES; Wall Street Journal USA ; member of cosmoquest forum org ; BAD Astronomy and Universe Today USA , Plos one ; Faculty Rows USA as Super Professor ; RAFT (I path) The Pathologist and Doximity USA ,Legal services of India, Research Gate, Orcid organisation Prabook ,Elsevier to name a few such .
He acted as external peer reviewer or Associate Editor or Editorial Board members of many International journals of high repute for Biomedical Sciences including of Pathology and Thesis guide (22 MD thesis), Adjudicators (29 MD +07 PhD), Paper setters ( both UG/PG/ post doc), External / external Internal / convener examiner of DM/ Mch / MD/DCP/PhD/MBBS /BSc MLT courses of WBUHS and other many universities of the country India outside the state of West Bengal . He was the member and Member Secretary of Board of Studies( BOS) of WBUHS both for UG and PG courses in Pathology (2011-2019).He is the eldest son of Late Mr. Bholanath Bhattacharjee B. Com(honors) of University of Calcutta; FCA; SAS ( 1926-2009 ) and Late Mrs. Bani Bhattacharya ( 1935-2006) of 7/51 Purbapalli, P.O: Sodepur, Dist.24 Parganas (North), Kolkata-110 ,West Bengal and father of Miss Upasana Bhattacharya ( a 3rd year, 6th semester student of B.Des fashion design course in "school of design" at UPES , dehradun, uttarakhand) who is also his co authors in almost all publications .His schools were Chandrachur vidyapith for boys, Sodepur & from Netaji shikshayatan, Agarpara , West Bengal. His spouse is DR.Sumita Bhattacharya BSc ; MBA; Ph.D (from JIS University, Agarpara west Bengal ) in management science- was A guest Faculty there . He lives presently at mahamayatala, 54 , N S Bose Road, Garia; Kolkata-700084 ,West Bengal India. He Retired From WBMES services, government of West Bengal on 31.03.2021 (AN) as a Professor of pathology, Calcutta School Of Tropical Medicine . presently He has no Semi Govt, or public , or , private, or Public Private Partnership model Any teaching institutional ( at medical colleges his last appearance before NMC inspectOrs was at JIS University, on 27.03.2023 and on 22. 05.2023 as NMC accepted PrOFESSOR and HEAD of JIS School of Medical Sciences and Resarch jagacha ,satragachi ,District- Howrah West Bengal) (with this biography in NMC declaration form for sr faculties ) or Hospital or any diagnostic laboratory attachment.
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Official Signature of Professor Dr Pranab kumar Bhattacharya WBMES with passport size photograph
Please Note for the public visiting this page Very carefully that Information provided in this document of ”Achievement and shortest Biography of Prof P. K Bhattacharya inshort for any award.docx”” are Protected by personal data protection acts -2018 of India and was several times verified as self appraisal from original documents by the health department, Government of West Bengal, Swasthya Bhavan, during his applications through proper channel for interviews for posts of principals in WBMES cadre as short listed candidates, as short listed candidates for post of DME Govt of West Bengal ; while state govt nomination for Post of Director of AIIMS, New Delhi and while nomination for post of VC of WBUHS, and also latest verified by the assessors of National Medical Council ,Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi , India, during NMC visits (upto march 2022) at JMN Medical College, Chakdaha Ranaghat, District Nadia, West Bengal as principal and next as "Professor and Head" Pathology, of JIS School of Medical Science and Research, JIS University, Kolkata ( up to May 2023)
Official Signature of Professor Dr Pranab kumar Bhattacharya WBMES ( now retired) with Recent passport size photographs in NMC declaration proforma Read less