Sakshi Bhatnagar



Sakshi Bhatnagar


The Ravished Angel

The Ravished Angel

3 mins

Shriya was a 23-year-old reporter who had meticulously exposed various scandals going on even within the first year of her career. In turn, her boldness and devotion had won her many enemies too. On one fateful day, she was working on some rigorous mission and had to stay till late at her office. When she stepped out of the office, it was already dark and the streets were desolate. Shriya ran towards the bus stop with hurried steps. The sound of her high heeled sandals made tapping noise on the deserted road.

Shriya looked at the watch on her slender arm every now and then while waiting for the bus. In her anxiety to catch the bus, she didn't even realize when a man emerged out of the dark and stood silently right behind her. As she turned for a brief moment, she gasped as she saw a demoniac face of a man glaring at her. She screamed out of horror but before the scream could come out, the man grabbed her by her slender waist and pressed her on his chest simultaneously placing a damp cloth on her face. Shriya realized that some drug was placed on the cloth that was meant to stupify her. Shriya scratched his hands trying to pull them away but he held the cloth tightly pressed to her face. Shriya swayed her head while letting out a desperate but muffled scream. Suddenly a matador halted near her and a man jumped out of it. He ran to Shriya and lifted her up from the ground. The two men carried her into the matador and closed the door shut.



By now, the drugs started taking a toll on Shriya and she began slipping into oblivion. Her vision became hazy and her vigorous screams vaned into moans. But the man still held the cloth to her face. He took the cloth off only when she gave up her struggles and fainted in his arms. He lifted her chin and sucked her juicy lips in a lingering kiss. Then the man's robust hands slid through passed out Shriya's ravishing curves and finally halted on her breasts. He unbuttoned her shirt and groped her dainty breasts as Shriya lay helplessly in the captivity of those brutal beasts.

He tore off her brasserie and he gasped as he caressed her fair, pristine breasts. His rough fingers played with her delicate nipples. His yellowish beetle stained teeth shone and he turned mad with ecstasy as he sucked on luscious breasts of the unconscious damsel. The man sitting opposite to him took Shriya's clothes off. Her tore her panties and parted her legs. He licked her delicate folds with his savage tongue and Shriya woke up screaming. She was jittered to see herself lying naked in front of the men and struggled to break free. They forcibly pinned her down and placed the cloth back on her face. As the drugs made Shriya faint again, they took turns to pump their lust into her. The matador kept running through the desolate streets while the men took turns to satiate their lust while Shriya was kept sedated for the whole night.

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