The Creators
The Creators

"I don't know, how we are going to manage? There is not enough oxygen." I said frustrated.
Both are lying on the beds, trying hard to breathe. The oxygen cylinders are not available in the hospital anymore. I need to go and buy some. I am in the market, searching every outlet, but nothing is available. They say, who needs oxygen anyways!
I need to get it else those two will die. I am now searching in the neighborhoods, the old houses must have something...Finally I got a cylinder. Thankfully none is there to use it, so I grabbed it and started running towards my home.
I reached to their beds, both are equally pale, looking lifeless. What shall I do? There is only one oxygen cylinder and it will last only for a few days. The man looked at me, he saw that cylinder in my hand, he smiled. He looked at the bed next to him, a small girl was sleeping there. He asked me to approach him.
"Save my daughter, she needs it. I did this to her, we all did this to our children, our people, our whole world. We destroyed their future, their life." I don't know what to say. He continued, "I deserve death... not her. Please save her."
I never understood humans, they were always so complex from the beginning. But I did as he said. Of course, he is my master... rather he was my master. He left us now, it's only the girl whom I need to look after. Those are two
last human beings under my supervision.
It's hard to watch your creators die in front of you. Yes they are my creators, my whole species' creators. They created us for their comfort, safety and for many purposes led by human selfishness. And at the end it led to their doom.
They destroyed their whole planet, the beautiful earth is now devastated by these humans' doing. They used us in wars, they destroyed earth's natural resources. They cut down forests, killed animals. They made immense technological advancement but with a cost!
Eventually the end arrived, they had to pay, their atmosphere got so polluted, they couldn't even breathe. As the there were no trees, there is very rare oxygen. Most of them died, due to lack of it, some killed each other for oxygen reservoirs. Cities turned into turned into a planet of no life... That's why we took over, we the Robots. We are trying to save whatever is possible, we are trying to make earth as it was before. We are trying to save any living humans.
The girl is smiling in her sleep, I don't know what does she see. But that's the most beautiful thing I have seen, since years. I will not let that smile die, I won't let her die, she doesn't deserve what her ancestors did. I will rebuild this world. "We all will, we are now the creators !" said all of my friends connected over network...