That Fragrance Of Jasmine!
That Fragrance Of Jasmine!

He was sitting in the same old armchair, which he used to sit for the last seventy years. Watching the same old neighborhood, he was born into. Everything was the same. People returning to their homes after work, the evening chitchat of hand rickshaws drivers, evening rituals from the temple, the evening prayers from a nearby mosque. The gatherings of housewives discussing latest television soaps, young children playing cricket eagerly waiting for their turn to bat.
Nothing had changed since the day he included all that as part of his evening ritual. Daily he used to sit there watching the surrounding, reading his favorite magazine. Once the night took over, he used to get up and go inside the house.
But since few days something unusual was happening in his house. His house was an old wooden house, having a structure old Wadas (small palaces). It wasn’t huge, neither it was small. Surrounded by a small garden, full of colorful flowers and green vegetables! What a beautiful sight was!
Usually, he spent his days in the garden and nights in the house. Evenings in the gallery watching the neighborhood. His days passed the same for so many years.
But from the last few days, he was seeing changes in his house. He could smell a pleasant fragrance in his house, he found his old Tape-recorder working suddenly! He could listen to a few of his old melodies playing in the background. He was almost
alone from the last 5 years since Seeta left him forever… Though his beautiful past is now his reason for living in those memories. These new experiences were almost like a new life-line for him.
He didn’t experience it always. It happened sometimes. He tried searching for it in his house, but there was nothing. He never believed in ghosts and super-natural existence thus those thoughts were out the picture! But whatever was the case, the days were delightful.
And one evening as he was busy in his evening ritual. The same sweet fragrance tickled his nostrils. The source was from the inside of the house. He didn’t realize what came over him, he ran inside in search of the source.
There he could see… They were in front of him, but still beyond his reach. It was almost like watching a hazy picture. He caressed her long black hair and tucked the Jasmine flowers inside. She smiled and handed him the coffee.
It was a usual evening for Dia and Rob. Rob brought Dia’s favorite Jasmine flowers again and won himself a cup of hot coffee. They went outside in the gallery, meanwhile, Dia already started old Tape-recorder from the previous owner. That was her new fascination…
“Hey, Dia, today that old armchair of yours isn’t rocking! You almost convinced me that evening that it was rocking by itself!”