Vamana Ahuja

Comedy Drama Children


Vamana Ahuja

Comedy Drama Children

The Christmas Scene- Chapter 7( A Begginers Guidebook: Maxine)

The Christmas Scene- Chapter 7( A Begginers Guidebook: Maxine)

4 mins

I’m no longer the oddball! It only me and Rachel and our two mules, Jeremy and Jerry. I was bored, so I named them that. I have other names too. One is Candace and Stacy. Then Carl and Jenni. I could go on with the names all day. But we don’t have time for that. We have to get on with what happens next.

After Mr. Smith and Tyson left, me and Rachel went super random. And then we broke our cart. So goodbye napping when it’s my turn to drive. But seriously, we seem to be going like a snail. How will cover a hundred miles like this, huh? Get a move on Jeremy/Candace/Carl! Next time, I’m going to think twice before opening a fortune cookie. Especially the holiday edition. Those are crazy. And they come true!

I am jealous of the others at this point. They have food, and adults, and a place to stay. They aren’t dealing with insane guards, frostbite, and all the other problems we have. Excluding Rachel. It’s like she’s insulated, or cold-proof. Hey Rachel, what’s your secret?

Zack found out the leaf-eating man’s secret today. The leaf is made from bread and mint. Yuck! Mr. Smith is his usual self, a one-man comedy show. My phone picked up a virus today. Great. It can’t reach the internet, no mobile data, and yet, it can pick up a virus. I think it’s from when I connected it to Rachel’s phone. She was complaining about her phone having a virus before we got this insane time machine. If I ever find out who gave this machine to Rachel, I swear, I’ll kill them!

There is nothing new going on here. Wake up, fight guard, eat food, fight guards, start traveling, fight guards, basically fight guard every step. On the other hand, Mum’s group has a new story every day. There are no more inns at Bethlehem, so everyone is sharing a room in the last in available. It’s totally barren. You pay extra for mattresses, water, food, and the restroom. All in all, it costs you 7 loa

ves of bread. 

Mr. Smith ate a grub today. Yuck! Yuck! And, YUCK! I found a pack of marshmallows. We roasted them. It tasted like heaven. Apart from that, there’s a new BCE cooking show! Today’s guest: Zack Martin. Today’s dish: bread leaves. The recipe. Start by taking two totally random stones. Then crush the mint leaves in them. After that, you should get a nice paste of mint leaves. Then you realize that there were caterpillars on that stone and you added them to the mix too! You find two new stones, and you proceed to clean them in the water you asked the owner of the inn for. Then you wipe them clean with a tunic and crush the leaves. Meanwhile, ask your partner to soften the bread with water. Once the mint leaves are nicely crushed, you add the bread and continue using the stone as a mortar. You take the paste made, and shape a leaf. After that, you bake it. Once it comes out of the oven, you should have a singed, ruined clump of nothing. (Please do not attempt to copy the characters of the cooking show. It could be dangerous)

While Zack was ruining the oven, I was sneezing, and dealing with nosebleed and migraine. So I had to stop. But I didn’t run into Zack and Mr. Smith. I went to the inn mum was at. Finally! Mum managed to treat my nose the second I reached. My headache took a little time because it wasn’t just one reason. It was two or three. So we had to deal with them one by one. First, aspirin. Then, a warm nap. Finally a huge lunch. And voila, no more headache! Now the only thing bugging me was that Rachel was out there somewhere, all alone. Before I stopped, she gave me the time machine. Made no sense for her to lug it around when she couldn’t use it. No, she planned to wait at the barn under the star, to help Mary and Joseph. It was empty. Perfect. She quickly made the minor arrangements they found and made the house look occupied. Now, she waits.

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