Raji PR



Raji PR


The Art Of Writing

The Art Of Writing

2 mins

The art of writing is not a job, it’s a passion. It is a beautiful way of expressing your emotions at times.

Regular job or work is a set of rules or instructions which we can follow and do it, or get it done. If in case we encounter any difficulties in completing anything, we may very well take the help of someone and complete it. But “To write” something is not easy, it is not a regular job. It is not a set of standard instructions to be programmed. It is a passion and it is an emotion. Only if we are passionate to write, only if we can feel the things, only then we can write something.

Few may have a very low opinion on it. And few may think that it is just a waste of time. And few may think that it’s beyond the boring job to write and they may even have a feeling like “Who would read that stuff?” But the people who love it and are passionate about it can only realize the true beauty of writing.

Keep writing your thoughts. We may not have so many admirers or followers from the beginning. We may not even have one but we do not have to stop there.

Even our own family might not have a great opinion about it in a few cases, we still should not have any second thoughts about it. We do not need anything or anyone as a motivational factor. We are very well self-sufficient to be motivated.

One day, definitely, one day, we would see some positive sign and there would be some real hope. Not just writing; it may be anything. We cannot see the end results or we may not see the fruits of our hard work from the initial phase. But that cannot be a show stopper for us, it should not be. It should never stop us from giving our best efforts.

Let's keep challenging ourselves. Let's keep motivating ourselves. Besides everything, Let's keep doing some good or productive things which we love to do.

Let's never stop and never give up... Surely, there will be a day for good opportunities and big success.

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