Yash Sharma07

Tragedy Crime Thriller


Yash Sharma07

Tragedy Crime Thriller

Sunkeflinestien: The Beginning

Sunkeflinestien: The Beginning

5 mins

Episode 1

The duo was standing in the room. The first one, stronger than the latter, had a shovel in his hand. The latter was staring at the former. The shovel-holder was looking upon for a knock at the door.

It happened but after quarter-past an hour. The clock was reading the tiny one in the night. The newcomer, was a long brute man, with a compass in the right hand and a pickaxe in the left one.

"If he ready?" asked the shovel-holder.

"Yes." said the newcomer.

And the trio moved out of the room. They entered another room where there seemed to be two doors. One from which they came in and the other Judy to the front.

"I'm taking the spade." said the latter

"No. You must come bare-handed." replied the shovel-holder.

They unlocked the next door to get outside. There were only trees. The wind was blowing fiercely and rain scattering all over.

"This is the perfect weather to do the work." said the pickaxe-holder.

"Yes. We should think so." said the shovel-holder.

And the three walked in a fast manner, across the jungle. The jungle was dense, and the swish of the wind felt like the slash of a sword.

" Is the man there ready?" asked the shovel-holder.

"Yes. I saw him, some time ago. He said, he would be there." said the pickaxe-holder in a low voice as if not wanting the third to listen to their talk.

After crossing the jungle, a hill was in sight. The top of the hill was lighted, though dimly, but was visible from a distance.

"There he is." said the pickaxe-holder.

"I see him, insight." replied the shovel-holder.

The latter was confused by the talk of the two and saw them strangely and asked.

"Do you think, he will help?"

"Surely, he will have to." said the shovel-holder.

And the walk again began. They were towards the uphill. In no time, they reached the peak. A man, who was long, had a chisel in hand and was rubbing against a stone to sharpen it.

"So here we are", said the shovel-holder, "where's the body?"

"It is in the coffin," said the new man raising from his position and coming near to the trio, "I expected two. Who is the third?"

"He is helpful. He Has much brain." said the pickaxe holder.

And the four men, altogether, went in.

The room in which they entered was wooden. While entering, there were around 5 chairs around the short table. On the right side, there were coffins laid one upon the other and one of the coffins were laid next to the other. It seemed to be heavy and long.

"Therein that coffin", said the man, and the shovel holder and pickaxe holder open the coffin to see a man with a short face and bald head and a long body. He was well dressed.

"Did he wake up?" asked the shovel-holder.

"Yes. Once. Around 8 pm." asked the pickaxe holder.

"Oh! I see. So he slept again?" asked the pickaxe holder.

"Yes. After drinking some cabbage soup, he slept. He told me to give this to you." said the man holding a paper piece


This was the word on the paper. The latter began to shake after listening to this.

"I said he will come." said the latter.

There was a knock at the door.

"Where can we hide?" asked the shovel-holder.

"Hide in the coffins." said the man.

In no time, the trio went into coffins, and then the man opened the door.

"Who's there?" asked the man.

"I'm SUNKEFLINESTIEN's killer." said the newcomer.

"What?" said the man.

"Yes. I have brought his body. I want a coffin. Can you tell me where the Undertaker lives?"

"I'm the Undertaker, but.."

"But what?"

"I cannot give you any coffin at the moment."

"I see 4 coffins inside, give me one."

"They are reserved."

"Oh! I see. I want to see them."

"You cannot do it. I will never allow you!"

"And if you die?"


The shovel-holder broke out of the coffin and shouted to the newcomer.

"I've Sunkeflinestein with me. How can you KILL him?"

"Oh! I see." said the newcomer, laughing chuckle-headedly.

After a long silence, the newcomer left. The pickaxe holder and shovel-holder began to dig a rectangular pit. The coffin of the man was brought and laid down in the pit.

"What is he wakes?" asked the latter.

"The coffin is locked. I have made for him some food and water in the coffin. He will survive a day "said the Undertaker.

And the trio began descending the hill after burying the coffin.

It was dawn when the pickaxe holder and shovel-holder parted. The pickaxe holder went into the house and the two people began walking in the East direction.

"I see the sun and feel hope." said the shovel-holder.

"I cannot." Said the latter.


"He will kill us."


"The Undertaker."


"Oh! My brother. Don't you know! He is Sunkeflinestein. Oh my god! I thought you would know."

"Why did I get into his words?"

"He must become"

"He had killed one of us."

"Three are left."

"I think he will kill the second. Let's inform him."

"Wait. I think he's no more."

"See! He Is coming."

And they saw the Undertaker coming up with a hammer. They saved their lives, how, nobody knows.

"What crime have we done?" says the stronger one.

"The most dreadful crime of the decade." said the other.

They were sitting inside the jungle and had lighted a bonfire.

"I couldn't get you."

"We killed three people. Junslinestein, Marcolinestein and Fericolinestein. They Were his brother."



And there was a thumping sound. The other felt a liquid on his face and saw the head of his brother crushed on the ground. There was Sunkeflinestein.

"Don't kill me." said the other.

"I will not. Until you harm me." said the Undertaker, "you all killed three of you. Come, let's have a cup of cabbage soup in my room."

And the two went, but the other never came back.


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