Shadow of my soul
Shadow of my soul

Fourteen years to go for my birth and the most I discovered in the world is to recognise who is " the shadow of my soul". I am not a good writer but I can explain this very well. I guess. The stories I am going to share is interesting and specific, full of fun details and sayings my father is known for. His words always paints a vivid picture of him and his telling stories. I cannot even notice an ungrammatical sentence in his collection of memories. But that doesn't matter, what matters is the stories and experiences to get shared in all that imperfect glory. Most people say I am just like my father both physically and mentally. We both have same mannerisms, facial expressions , thought process and an incredible amount of energy. From observing my father's behaviour and sometimes his lectures, I noticed he has influenced my choices and personality. My father is long, white and sweetest man on the Earth. My father was born on 26 june 1978 in modinagar UP. His childhood is full of antics and demonic situations. But soon his life became full of worries, money struggles, and also paying the bills and being responsible for his family. But he never lost hope and kept working to improve his family quality of life. At age of 28, he was married and at 29 his family was complete when I was born. Always asking about his life, I find some sadness in every aspect. My father has become such busy now that he has lost in his worries, sometimes like I am writing his biography to express my views on it. I often listen his stories from my bua. He was so naughty in his childhood that once he broke schools furniture. Sometime, he was so excited to keep sticks of different kunds and at time beaten with same sticks by my grandfather when he did some antic. We all are aware that according to Indian Culture, on being born as girls, people become sad or angry but in my case, my father was happy such that he gifted each nurse of the hospital 500rs and my grandmother was like- he has gone mad. Yes! This us true. He took me(a newborn baby) to
a round outside while returning home scolded by everyone. He always wear high brands and also his legs are beautiful than mine. To say truth, a little jealous too. Only bad habit- he cannot live without his phone. Sometimes like throwing his phone from high. Big fan of politics-news and to see it he makes an excuse everytime saying it keeps him updated. Both of us are cancerian in nature- angry but trust me we never fought with each other. One more thing- this credit goes to me only but. I never gave him a chance to. He has hundred, thousands of friends. We have shifted from Modinagar to Rajnagar but our heart, soul, mind everything settle in our hometown only. He is the only person who understand friendship as a bond between two trust people. I told all about his past let me tell present too. My father is a purchase manager but after seeing his skills I wish of shifting him to sales manager. In this covid when people are left with nothing, my father willing to open a new business. With a pinch of hope to way of success he named it RAINBOW FURNISHINGS. His biggest support - his backbone is my mother. I heard all time that a father is a person who shows no emotion but feel it all time. And today while writing it I agree! I can see his dry tears in his eyes. The more I say about his life the less it is. I mentioned one thing- people say I am just like my father but the truth is that I can never ever be like him, he the one only because. At end I would just say-
The history is long
No future defined
One more hope for present
In every second of time
Never seen a man
With such experience
Positive in every situation
Sometime like a bit mysterious!
Fit and fine without a Gym
BTW- One more thing to tell that