After minutes, the girl disappeared laughing and crowded all over. Mr. Dawnson started an investigation and Lisa was confused. Sir, what is happening? This is awful. She killed him so badly. She is heartless. Stay calm Lisa, Mr. Dawnson replied. I think we have to think of something differently. Mr. Dawnson along with lisa travelled around the world to find the history behind this girl. Though they found nothing. To take some rest, they entered a village named-sarak. The village was so beautiful and full with trees and all-natural facilities. They asked the people of the village some food but some shut the door in front of them while some ignored it. At end of the village, an old man offered them Place to rest and a bowl of rice, some veggies and tasty healthy foods. Mr. Dawnson asked- 'Kaka! This village is so beautiful yet no one is happy here'. The old man was quiet for a while then he spoke- 'son,
this is a place of death, she has caught you in her eyes, she every day comes at night, says nothing to us but spread blood on each child's head.
Then she leaves.' Lisa was scared for a while yet she didn't notice it much. Time passed and every person shut their doors and went inside. All was lonely and scary dark. Mr. Dawnson said-' kaka, thank you so much for feeding us with your blessing, can we stay here for a day as well? Kaka agreed. The next morning someone from the window of kaka's house screamed. "Everyone come here". What they saw was strange. Kaka was dead, Mr. Dawnson was injured very badly and Lisa was barely breathing. They took Lisa and Mr.. Dawnson to the hospital. Mr. Dawnson murmured- 'this can't be true, all a lie, Oh Jesus please help me. And these were the last words he said. Yes, Mr. Dawnson was dead and lisa still survived.
To be continued...