This is true we all respect God
We are tied with them through a tight knot
God cannot be everywhere
Hence he created a beautuful person- mom
Plenty of tress, blue sky, beautiful nature. When on Earth there were only Gods. Maa Parvati made her son through mud-HOW'S THIS BE POSSIBLE? BUT IT WAS! Maa Radha, Kunti , Subadra or Draupdi. Mata Devki or Mata Yashoda. They all were moms. Not only us but even Gods were blessed with the mother love shelter. There are countless mothers- some of great war(JHANSI KI RANI), some of great sense. Woww! I LOVE THE NAME MUMMA
Well, this all be continued. Let me tell you two true stories about my nughty bad love relationship with my mother. Year 2019, date I don't remember That day I almost killed the breath of my mother. I was returning from my tennis academy when my sir c
omplained(not exactly) my mom about my slow learning. And you know these moms, she took in a wrong way. She scolded me such on that I kept crying from morning to evening without eating, or even talking to her until my father came from the office and cleared the matter. So cute! Although there are many stories but this one is related to my poem - ONE MORE. Yup! This was related my arguement on common topic between us MATHS. To be honest I hate maths. I know it is funny. Leave. You know friends, mother is a blessing for all who have this beautiful human being. A mother cannot be defined. She is naughty, cute , funny, inspirational, independent(Atleast in front of her kids. Last to say to all moms who are reading this-
Mothers are special
They are unique
I have no words
To express that relationship feeling!!