The Roof
The Roof

Day of Sunday, A girl went on the roof of a big house, all alone. Spend few hours over there and with the setting sun, she could feel the warmth over there. The scenery in front of her looks like a masterpiece. Then she heard as if her shadow was awake and asking her to turn around. She was scared for some moment, then she turned- seeing an unknown one she was shocked. Now and then she tried to run. As the setting sun was there, it started chasing her. With her scary expression, she went into the forest just in front of the house. Everyone warned her, not to go there. That pla
ce was dangerous. Then one came in front of her - giving her sympathy, not to worry just follow me and you"ll be safe under my control. It makes her walk on the cactus and she knew that she was hypnotized. Then the spell broke, and she awoke again. She ran faster there and screaming for someone to help. Did she go to the top mountains or valley low? Wondering, she fell on the ground- founding herself on the same roof she was some hours before. She wonders what happened just but she could not get it. After years another girl went on the same roof- all along and once again lost.