Rupam Kar



Rupam Kar


Midnight Crunches

Midnight Crunches

9 mins

The ides of July was drawing near. Ameen and I have been in relationship for more than one year. We were waiting eagerly to celebrate our first dating anniversary this coming Saturday.

We mostly stay together during the weekends in my rented flat. As the weekend was coming, she was excited to organize that day extravagantly. Every evening hence, after coming from office, she texted me about her plans and celebration ideas.

“Hey! Should we go to Truffles at morning or at evening? Hey! Do you want your room to be decorated with candles or bulbs?”. Such were topics of her questionnaire.

I was happy to see her agitation and became more excited to celebrate our one year journey.

I heard people often saying TGIF (Thanks God it’s Friday) but God had scripted a different story for me on that weekend.

My lead called me and said, “Partheev, I want you to come tomorrow for the SIT deployment on demo application sharp before 10am!”

I was shattered to hear that and immediately I asked him without giving my specific purpose,” Sir, whether is it possible to get switched on Sunday or not?”

“Nah re! I want you to be here tomorrow”, was his reply roaring on me.

With disappointment within me I returned to my desk, starred at my screen thinking what should I reply to Ameen and how should I frame the matter to her.

Sooner, at noon I called her and said,”Hey! We got a problem here. It seems that I need to come to office tomorrow. There is something we need to re-plan for our celebration!”

There was a sense of soft cries on the other side of phone. With silent tone and without holding the call long she replied,” We can still manage to celebrate at the evening.”

With rays of sun glittering my tiled bedroom, finally our anniversary day had come, and we both were very excited about celebrating this evening. We have been planning for this from the past week. I got ready and reached office early noting that I need to leave office by 3:30pm. But things didn't go right way as I thought. There were hardly any other members from deployment team. The entire integration started after the lunch hours.

Things were going so slow as if nothing matters to all, but I was restless and can't even concentrate to my coding. I was worrying about what if I can't even reach for post-evening celebration that we had planned at Truffles. I remembered few cases where I could not make up the plans and then I had to bear with few issues in our relationship. I just prayed that this should not repeat again.

Soon I received her message, “Don’t forget to take the bus by 4:45pm. Also buy chicken and curd from Royal Value Mart.”

But in no time, the clock flashed away and I was still pending with my work. The clock struck at 6 and I was more upset than angry on anyone. I knew how things work on offices.

I waited for my lead's instruction whether to leave office or not. I tried to speak out my reason that I should be leaving office by now but I couldn't. Being an introvert, I decided not to ask for early leaving from office. Meanwhile she continued to call me telling that whether I am out of office by now or not. Each time I replied that I will be out within half hour.

Things were not lined well for me that evening for I needed to stay another two hours fixing some issues. Within this two hours neither she nor I called or texted. Even if she would have called me I had no answers for that. I just considered myself to be unlucky. I felt embarrassed and sorry for myself. I never expected that this beautiful day was going to have such a bad end.

Twenty minutes hence, my boss said, “Well done! Boys. We have successfully conducted the deployment and launched the application.”

He thanked us for keeping the spirit of commitment to work in this hell Saturday.

But for me, perhaps everything was over for that day. My swing of the mood was dull and exhausted. There wasn't any anger for anyone on anything but only regret on my fate alone. It seems I am the best toy that God plays with. I wonder why such difficult situations comes to my bag. Why do I need to give reasons every time to keep my relationship up? I don't know how Ameen would react and what will be its consequences after I reach my flat.

I boarded on my bus at 9:05 and then rang her,” Finally, I in my way to home. Hoping one hour traffic from now. See you!”

There was complete silence from other side. She didn't even replied bye, which she usually does on every phone call. There wasn't any expression in her words as if she is either too serious or she just forgot that today is our one year dating anniversary day. I can't sense what type of disaster would come to our relationship on this day, just hoping that I will cooperate with her in every twist that rolls down.

On reaching home, as soon as she opened the door I hugged her tightly saying,” Darling!! Look, I am very sorry. I will explain every detail how I am late and why I failed to celebrate our post evening celebration”.

She hugged me tightly as if we have been meeting after many days. She put her wet finger on my dry lips and said,” Parth! Let’s not waste this two hours of this day. We will reserve our fight on this some other day.”

I was just speechless and just thanked God for swinging her mood or whatever had happened. May be it's her maturity or her understanding from past that made her so cool. And truly this bestowed my love and affection for her.

I had never doubted on her creativity on home decor. Being an intern as internal designer, she had beautifully decorated my flat with golden and cyan color antiques (yellow being her and blue being my favorite color). I think this might have kept her busy whole day rather than us going for post evening celebration.

She handed me my towel and asked,” You must have been tired. You should take a shower. Meanwhile let me order some Thalassery Biryani and deserts from Swiggy.”

After taking a quick bath, we sat in the sofa went through the gallery in laptop.

We gossiped about our first meeting in the metro station and how we gradually became friends, then how we shared our feelings for each other. We went through our trip pictures that reminded our long road trip to Goa and night camps in jungle trekking to Kemmanagundi.

The moment was such a pleasure and merrymaking that it looked as if this was a fresh day without any offices, without any tensions as if it was the beginning of the day. It looks exactly how our day should have started.

Soon after that, we cut our anniversary chocolate cake that she had probably prepared (I would ask that later from her). Candles were placed around the floor and pink tiny bulbs were hanging in the walls of drawing room.

Of all these I enjoyed the Sufi romantic songs that was being played in the music system with whole room glittering with purple laser light. Things were so perfect and heavenly that it is impossible for me to describe in words.

I have never ever thought we would be so happy and would happily celebrate our anniversary day this way. I was happy to see her with wide smiles and her beautiful curves of excitement on her face that she has been enjoying. We had our dinner, then had little sip of bear and vodka, danced on our favorite music and much more that are beyond my knowledge as of now (after vodka affect).

The night was still not over and so was our excitement. After all the gallery show, cake celebration, dine and wine, dance and sing, it was the time to go to bed. But that wasn't enough yet till Ameen had a wild plan to celebrate the night.

The room was lit with dim radiant light. I didn't bother to switch on the tube and was going through the pics of today's celebration. Out of nowhere, I saw her in a moistened purple saree coming out from shower wrapped herself with a feathery scarf around her neck. Her outfit was so inappropriate or I should say it was so proper that could cause tremors in yourself. It felt as if I was in the seventh sky. I poked myself in my arm to assure myself if I was in some lucid dream or in reality.

She turned back and locked the door and then banged her hand on the speaker playing the Bollywood song- 'tip tip barsha pani...’ As she moved towards me with her waist swirling left right, her glittering saree started slipping from her arms. It was such an ultra-sensitive moment that everyone dreams to watch. I didn't want to move out of my bed, not even flip my eyelids.

She approached me and kept one of her long leg over my hand and snatched my cell phone saying,” Man! You are mine this night! You dare not to use your phone, but only to obey your master! You have a wild woman in front of you ready to torture you.”

I never mind to be slave to my master unless it's a bed performance.

She sat on my lap, brushed my face with her wet hair and gradually kissed my neck and then lower chin. She plucked the top button of my shirt with her teeth that rolled down the room floor. With the rhythm of the background song syncing with her action, droplets of water dripped into my thirsty chest and blossomed myself with her hair conditioner fragrance.

She being so close to me was like myself being in heaven. It was as if I was the banished prisoner and some angel has come to free me from the bondage of work and office. It seemed that this was the gift and pleasure for which every person earns for.

With darkness all around the room with a lucid radiant glow, I can see every curve and arc of her shadow formed. Things were so clear and glowing that even a blind wouldn't step behind to hesitate for anything.

I tried to praise her about her beauty but it seemed she was in hurry and pressed my mouth and then violently kissed my lips so deeply as though she was drying out without my saliva. I could feel her hot breathe and her agitation that facilitated me to spice up her more. I was her prey that night waiting to be swallowed upon.

As the clock past 1’O clock, I lifted her on my arms, banged her on the spongy bed, drew the curtains and switched off the dim light. With complete darkness all around, and the only feelings of lust and intimacy melted me in her arms all the night.

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