Abstract Action Thriller



Abstract Action Thriller

Men Will Be Men

Men Will Be Men

2 mins

This is a very short narrative about an incident that happened with my friend recently. She happened to go to a medical shop to buy some essential medicines and few things like sanitizer, disinfectant etc Since maintaining social distance is a norm now, for our safety obviously, she stood near the entrance of the stores waiting for her turn there was already one gentleman who was elderly and a bit lame and was busy ordering some medicines to the sales person.

The minute he saw her waiting the gentleman called out to her saying you can come inside and buy things for yourself no problems. Even though she was hesitant she went inside the stores as she had to get back home quickly due to the amount of work that was left pending. She goes inside and orders the medicines The sales person was busy with packing and billing the items that were ordered by my friend. She notices the elderly man was not in a mood to move out of the stores. He tried to start some conversation about pandemic etc. Initially she to

ok it casually but somehow she started feeling uncomfortable with the kind of looks he was passing at her.

She noticed the sales person too was looking suspiciously at the man. She ordered adult diapers pack for her mother-in-laws sake. She was asking for a bigger packet and the sales person was searching for the same in the counter below. All of a sudden the elderly person says why don't you come to my house I have many packets just lying waste, I am wondering what to do with those packets, you can take them. That was it.

She understood that man may not be a gentle man but a man who might have wrong intentions. She immediately hurried the sales person to hand over the packet she ordered for and rushed out from that place. For a second she felt annoyed but after a while she realised that man being lame might not have got any affection from anyone at home and he might be craving for attention from females that is but natural you see. So she felt men will be men wherever and whenever.

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