
Most of us believe in astrology and the movement of planets. The belief becomes stronger when we are undergoing a lot of turmoil in our lives with no solace and choice. Then we may seek the guidance of an astrologer who suggests what is the position of a particular planet and what is the best remedy to overcome or come out of the crisis. Seriously, astrology is a serious business no joke is around this. But, sometimes something hilarious happens when we go to seek the guidance of the astrologer that it brings a smile on our face and brightens our mood. Is it because of planet Venus on our side?Maybe 🤔 that is why we could laught at an error that happened with someone who had come to seek advice just as you. Well,that is a different matter altogether. So,let us read on a hilarious incident that happened and witnessed by me and others.
Nagesh was a lot worried about so many things that were not at all working as per his analysis. This is not about electric or electronic gadgets but some events in life that were misfiring putting him in a quandary with no respite in sight. Basically Nagesh was a god fearing and a very religious minded person. He was little bit into astrology and numerology too. But, his study of his own birth chart seemed to go wrong making him more jittery and confused. That is when his friend Sudesh suggested that he consult an astrologer who was known to him. Sudesh was so confident that the said astrologer bhaumik Bomb(his surname) was accurate in his predictions and would suggest remedies that would clear all problems in a jiffy. This news was like honey pouring in his ears and Nagesh asked Sudesh to get an appointment with Bomb baba called so with respect by his followers. Sudesh was more than happy to do so and promised that he would accompany Nagesh to the place where Bomb baba stayed a few kilometres from his home.
Nagesh and Sudesh fixed a Saturday to visit Bhaumik bomb baba as they would have weekly off and would be in no hurry to come back after the visit. They started early in the day and reached the place after an hour of travel time. The place was quite impressive thought both of them. The home where the astrologer stayed was small yet seemed to be well decorated. The home was spread around a vast area surrounded with mango trees all around. With lush green grass and birds chirping it was so blissful. Getting closer to the home they found people waiting patiently for their turn in the portico of the house. Nagesh and Sudesh sat on a vacant bench feeling lucky and blessed. They were to meet someone who will clear all problems within minutes. Nagesh held his bag that had a water bottle and something that looked like a file. Sudesh was wondering what he had carried along and asked Nagesh what was there in his bag. Nagesh said they were the birth charts of himself,his children's and his wife's as well. After about thirty minutes of waiting patiently Sudesh was asked to enter the Room where bhaumik Bomb baba was sitting. His Room was well lit and furnished well and the music that was playing in the background was transcending and pleasant. The astrologer had a pleasant disposition and his fac
e was a bit funny that is what Sudesh felt. He went closer to Bhaumik baba and wished him saying'Guruji namastey '. The astrologer nodded his head in agreement and showed him the chair meaning to be seated. The astrologer had a beads thread that is called as jap mala in colloquial terms. He was muttering something while closing his eyes and Nagesh knew he was reciting the name of gods and goddesses. Somehow, Nagesh felt the astrologer looked funny and his face had a sheepish grin giving an idea to the onlookers that he might have a strong funny bone to his disposition. Nagesh was waiting with anxiety, eagerness,and anticipation as to when the baba will open his eyes and starts giving his valuable advice that was much needed for him.
After a few tense moments for Nagesh the revered astrologer opened his mouth and said 'yes,now tell me what is the problem,what is it that is troubling you?Did you get your birth chart?I think my receptionist might have informed you before giving you the appointment with me'?Show it to me I'll check and tell you what the trouble is with your chart'. Nagesh hurriedly put his hand and pulled out two sheets of paper that were a bit crumpled. He handed them to the astrologer and was waiting with bated breath as to what his predictions would be. The astrologer bhaumik Bomb baba observed the two sheets given to him and his face turned mischievous and Nagesh felt that there was a silly smile on the astrologer's face. Wondering what he was going to say Nagesh almost leaned in front of him and with ears wide open pun intended 😁 was waiting for his answers. The astrologer cleared his voice and said 'you see,I think your name is Nagesh and your wife's name is Neeta. You have two children a boy and a girl and their names are Rishi and kavya Right? and before the stunned Nagesh could answer anything (he was stunned wondering how correct his predictions are (🤠🤣🤔)the astrologer continued to say 'just yesterday you bought five kg of Rice, two kg of Sugar and Oil also Right?. Now, Nagesh who was highly impressed with the astrologer's predictions almost sat at his feet and with a lot of respect said 'yes, you are simply great how accurately you predicted,I am so happy to have met you'over whelmed with his powers Nagesh felt so emotional when the astrologer laughed loud and said 'Oh ,wait a bit you handed me your ration card that has all these details, instead of giving me your birth chart'and he started giggling making everyone around laugh louder. Nagesh felt so embarassed and was mumbling something. The astrologer looked at Nagesh and said your birth chart is okay except for your over indulgence with food and drink. Try to follow a disciplined life style and you will be alright. Pray to your deity at your home or any temple and do good to as many as possible. You will get success shortly'. On hearing these words of affirmation Nagesh and Sudesh bowed to the astrologer and left the Room. Mind you it was not a free consultation. They had to pay some token of appreciation. Why not? The astrologer was very good at his job. Any questions? You can call his office between 9am to 6pm everyday and Sunday is a holiday.