Lockdown Day 18
Lockdown Day 18

Dear Diary,
Today is the eighteenth day of the countrywide lockdown to fight the Corona virus. Now after so many days, the lifestyle under virtual house arrest has started seeming to be the new normal! Whenever the lockdown is lifted, it is difficult to imagine our reactions on returning back to normal life. Would we be exhilarated and celebrate our freedom, over indulge in everything to compensate for the days lost in captivity or we would be refined human beings, more compassionate, more empathetic, more appreciative of the natural wonders around us, more eager to enjoy life as it is without again joining the mad rush to arrive in life.
As the initial spell of twenty-one days of lockdown is nearing completion, various state governments have requested the center to further increase the lockdown till 30th April 2020. This will be prudent also, as lifting the lockdown now may erode the progress made so far in limiting the spread of the pandemic. The first world countries are still in a state of chaos even as India weighs its options to extend the lockdown.
On the home front, we are spending time learning new things. I help my wife in household chores. Kids spend time in attending online classes, learning guitar, trying new cuisines, painting, learning new dance moves, etc. It seems that nature has given us all the time at our disposal and has ordered us to do whatever we always wanted to do but without crossing the Lakshman Rekha of our house! Humanity has been confined to the houses as perhaps earlier we trespassed the Lakshman Rekha of the supposed humanely behavior.
I always found endless joy in reading Ruskin Bond's books. Now also these books are a source of pleasure in these times of incarceration. In some of his stories, he had lamented about the degradation of nature for the so-called development. Now his lamentations seem to have been heard by mother nature and all our hideous activities in the name of progress have been put on hold. Ruskin Bond would be s happier man today seeing the clear blue skies with no dust in the mountains! I hope we all learn to progress without plundering nature once we are out and about.