It Rained Forever....
It Rained Forever....

That day everything was same as the morning the afternoon and as the day progressed the evening was also on the verge of showing the reflection of the similarities which the morning and the afternoon had on that day. Same routine stuff. I was returning home from office. It was a tiring day I was eagerly waiting to reach home to have rest. It was rainy season and that part of the time when it didn't rain almost for 20 days.. I was without an umbrella and it rained that evening - not cats and dogs but gentle continuous shower. The rain started to show its constant effect on that evening and I was all wet waiting on the bus stop. The traffic and the rain always hunt in pairs. I was really not enjoying it all because of the usual day or the uneven rain. All of a sudden a voice knocked my ear doors with a question... "524 went kya????" I heard it and in the process of answering it, I saw something which changed the ambience and the fragrance of that evening. If I never knew what the word "beautiful" is all about, then I would have named her with
it. She was so beautiful. Those curly hair... in fact those wet curly hair which were putting me into a dilemma, whether to capture her pencil sketched hair-craft or to just forget the world falling into her oceanic deep brown eyes. The rain just increased the color background of that moment and she helped to improve the color balance of that evening in my eyes. I was standing under the bus stop and didn't even realize when she walked off in front of me... I stayed their for a bit longer had a "cutting chaai" from the neighboring stall, but the tea wasn't as warm as warm that moment was for me. The rain stopped, the clothes dried but the heart remained wet at least that entire rainy season... Sometimes it still rains even in the other seasons, whenever I think of this magical moment which I witnessed that evening. She, that evening, and the rain have cemented their special corners in my heart which I keep renewing like a magazine subscription whenever I "google" my heart with the search title "memories"
It rained forever that evening......