Help the tiny in quaranTime
Help the tiny in quaranTime
Dear diary,
I've discovered a new way to cut cross time in this lockdown. Know what? That's finding out different ways to help any living thing that needs help.
I've decided it's better to try and increase my good deeds a little bit.
(don't wanna be boiled in a hot cauldron after all!)
And for that let's start with the tiniest of creatures possible,the ones who serve as an alarm clock in the morning, listening to whom gives peace of mind and those who are one of the toughest beings god has made-BIRDS
That's right. Most of us adore them, don't we. We marvel at their magnificent colours,at their melodious voices, at their strange behaviour-and that's it.
What do we do for their betterment? "Oh god help that poor little bird"
But what about us. Why do we leave every single duty for god ? What about our own actions?
With this very thought in mind ,I've recently discovered a perfect way to help them as well as myself. I've decided to make bird feeders and bird homes.
Mind you at zero cost using only what was available at my house.
(Common sense dear diary -we c
an't go out ,so no buying anything!)
Numerous videos are posted on the internet where birds flock to dried taps and fountains in search of a drop or two of water.
They even approach humans with water bottles begging them for a few drops.
And so I have made an automatic bird water feeder to help them keep hydrated in the scorching summers here.
With the help of an empty plastic bottle and a small shallow plastic container(can use a deep plate as well)and some superglue.
I've hung it from a nail on my terrace and love to see the tiny birds whom i don't identify coming and sipping with their tiny beaks.
Trust me , for that moment you forget all of your worries.
So grab all the things and start making it. Search out different ideas.
And no doing it alone. Get the children to help you. They would love to. A nice enjoyable game for them which not only gets rid of your boredom but teaches a very important moral value as well-.being kind to living things.
Use these days to build a good personality in children. Make them realise the importance if working together with family. And collect some good deeds for yourself as well.