Urja Dhawan

Comedy Drama Inspirational


Urja Dhawan

Comedy Drama Inspirational

Distract Your Fear- quaranTime

Distract Your Fear- quaranTime

4 mins

Dear diary,

How often does it happen that we want to do something badly but our mind doesn't let us?

(Really!? I'm talking to a diary now!!? Well, let's continue.)

Right. I said mind and not the situation. You see how we perceive any situation, good or bad, happy or distressing, depends on our internal wiring.

And we haven't done that wiring. Part of it is inborn and part of it has been done by our experiences, our surroundings, our environment and our elders long before we were capable of understanding and processing deeper thoughts and commands.

So ,the circuit has been completed. It has been wired in such a way so as to ensure it's maximum survival. For that our mind makes use of a very valuable "weapon"-FEAR.

That's right. Fear is innate to us. You cannot fight it or ignore it. Then how to control it in the present situation where everything and everyone is going haywire?

The answer is simple. DISTRACT.

Everything is in lockdown for 21 days. No going out, no meeting anyone, nothing. Such a situation might trigger on the panic mode in us plunging us all in a chaotic frenzy. The government is trying its best to prevent such a mass hysteria but what can we do on a personal level? Hmm?

(Well the diary won't reply of course!)

Let's just look at these 21 days from a different perspective.

Including Sundays, Saturdays and government holidays, it makes upto 10 days. So we were already going to get these many holidays for which we often crave, right?

And on top of that since Navratri has been going on many of us would have taken 1-2 more holidays. That means only around 8 days left . Surely we can manage an extra week at home.

It's an opportunity for those who complained that they didn't get time to BRUSH UP TALENTS. For all those bathroom singers out there-now is the time to showcase your talent to others. Sing as loud as you can-sing out to your family and friends

>(pun intended ).

Start on the path to being the next Picasso. Need inspiration? Just pick up your brush and colours and start painting -paint it all out,whatever feelings are buried deep within you, whatever you see around you. Paint it and Post it. Let the world know.

Be the talented chef of the house.

In short, distract your mind.

Lacking talents? It's fine. Go and get rid of your family's complaints about not SPENDING QUALITY TIME with them.

Play games with kids, watch movies, listen to songs, tell them stories from your past experiences and in the process share some of your knowledge with them.

(Now don't just keep playing. Bash them up and make them study too.)

Well, what if all this distraction can't help you in suppressing your fear of what's to come next?


That's right. In times of such harrowing conditions, we all need some moral support either from friends or elders. But when everyone is affected, look up to the father and mother of all -GOD.

No matter what religion you believe in-just sit together with your family or whoever's around you. Sit for a few minutes and pray -as much as you want - whatever you want. Say it all out to HIM. He's listening.

The Pawan Parv of Navratri is going on. To all the Hindus, pray to Maa Durga to help us all in such a crisis. We are all her children and we beg her to forgive us for our sins.

To all the Muslims, pray to Allah for sending help, pray to him for strengthening us.

To all the Christians,

"Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done on earth,as it is in heaven.

Give us this day,our daily bread,

And forgive us,our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us,

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


(That's all for today, my dear diary. Oh, how I hope that I open you later and see your reply written here! But ..nevermind)

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