Harmonious Discord
Harmonious Discord

He was a thunder of serious, calm, hardworking, angry and responsible man along with his dark, tall and stylist personality that had made him as the heartthrob of many girls, but for whom life was only within his office, friends circle and music studio.
She was a calm, average looking, hardworking, ambitious and self-reliant person, who can never be a dream girl for any guy. So, she loves only her company.
She just wanted to meet him to give her lyrics, so that those can be good music by him and he wanted to meet her so that he can make her to listen the beauty of her lyrics through his music…but there were thousands of miles of separation in between them…
She knew he does not like average persons, and he knew she does not like clutters in her life…
They were opposite, but…
“I can never think of a day without you, because I feel comfortable with you, because you have accepted me the way I am, because you have the courage to accept the truth, and a right man, because you are always right. I need someone to accept me completely. Real love is knowing someon
e’s weaknesses and not taking advantages of them. Knowing their flaws and accepting who they are. To love without condition, to talk without intention, to give without reason and to care without expectation is the true spirit of love which I have got from you. You are the one who has accepted my past, supported my present and encouraged my future. You have accepted my similarities with you while respecting the differences those we have. No-one can tolerate my anger and my stubbornness, that you have accepted.” -he wrote in the air…
“You have never seen me, have never spoken with me…then how can you say all these about me…?” -she replied
“Your writings reflect your personality...!” -he wrote back
“There are many people to love me and my writings. So, how are you different than others..…?” -she said back
“By reading your writings, I become calm, relaxed and motivated, which address all of my tempers in office and that cute face sitting just in front of my desk with a big spec, remaining busy the full day makes my life, even though her pen name is different…Will you marry me…?”