Harmonious Discord - II
Harmonious Discord - II

“But, I am an Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder patient…!”, he said.
“I know and I am a lazy, homely and little meshy girl…In that situation, how will you manage…”-she questioned him.
“If you show my medical certificates to any doctor, then he can say that my OCPD has decreased significantly since last year and … it's because of your writings…And I feel you are a perfectionist” he informed her.
“I don’t believe…it might be because of your music…the credit goes to you…. And also I know the side effect of ignoring an OCPD…”, she told calmly
“Yes, I wanted to be a perfectionist. Some people mistakenly believe that perfectionism is a healthy motivator, but that’s not the case. Perfectionism can make you feel unhappy with your life. It can lead to depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and self-harm. Eventually, it can also lead you to stop trying to succeed. Even mild cases can interfere with your quality of life, affecting your personal relationships, education, or work. And I have come out from all these through meditation, which I have learned from you…!, he smiled while saying th
“Please relax for sometimes, we will talk about it later”, she tried to close the conversation or else he should not feel that he got dejected by her.
“Humm…”, he left the place and went out, by seeing which she got so surprised…”How can he go out to relax when there is an important meeting after fifteen minutes”.
“This is not a major mistake, we will rectify it and send it back to you within tomorrow EOD”, he replied to the customer by clarifying a mistake done by his team member and came out from the room without having any worry on his face…
“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. I didn’t procrastinate it…I just tried to know the importance of this specific task for the customer and I came to know the reality…by using which we can make it more valuable. “
While saying this to his team member, he just smiled by seeing another team member enjoying Kapil Sharma’s joke over the youtube channel.
Next day she came to him and asked: “Will you marry me because now I feel safe with you?”