A Love Story

A Love Story

5 mins

I don’t know why Ruchi was coming to my mind again and again in this Sunday evening, even though I tried a lot myself to deviate from it, but still in every act, in every crowd she was coming to my mind, if she would be here at this situation then she would have reacted like this or like that, how she would be smiling and innocently she would be accepting my dejection…!. In the gathering of my friends’ circle, I was missing her, don’t know why tear was coming to my eyes…! After the crowd vacated my house, I came back to my room…

I remember that one day I was completely lost in her innocence, intelligence and ever caring nature…

I had never believed that Dr. Suprabh could again be lost in a girl, who was completely broken by the destiny which was determined by his ex-wife. A man who accepted his enmity with the girls after that. But, Ruchi was something different. She was pure, she was very emotional, sensitive, caring but had never complained against my rude behaviour towards her. I was remembering her word “Accepted”, when ever I was getting angry with her and some heart-wrenching words were coming out from me. She had never complained anything. Why was she so innocent, I didn’t know and that was the reason why I was in love with her. But, how come Dr. Suprabh, a strong man can deviate from his oath, the oath that he had taken not to take any interest in any girl ever in his life! It can never be love… so I had renamed it as ‘Infatuation’. But how can Dr. Suprabh be infatuated…! It can never be possible with such a strong man. That’s why, he had thrown his statement towards Ruchi “Ruchi, you are infatuated…better not to message me”, seemed like Ruchi had only initiated the conversation from her side. Still he remembers how many times Ruchi was keeping quite from her side, but it was he, who had initiated the conversation with her after blaming that she was over sensitive, so took everything so seriously…. And this time also he received her reply as usual “Accepted”. She was so decent and had always a respect towards me, never had told anything on my face. Just remains quiet. After that, it was a silence from both sides for three months.

While lying on the bed, I thought to message her. Will it look decent to start the conversation again in whatsapp…! May not be ‘Yes’, better to send her in linkedin message…but whats the reason that he will message her…? Lets check some new updates about her…yes that I can get from her linkedin and facebook profile… In Facebook, I came to know that recently she was nominated as Author of the Year Award-2018 and linkedin was not limited to single…there were three more new updates, promotion, new job as trainer and after all her blogsite had become more pop

ular than before. Yes, this is the right time to message her….

“Congratulations…” I messaged Ruchi in Linkedin.

“Thank you” – got the response from Ruchi within three minutes.

“How are you…?” I messaged back.

“Fine…”-got the response.

“You didn’t ask me why I congratulated you…” I wrote

“Why…?” -she asked

“You have achieved a lot within these days…those said by your linkedin and Facebook updates..”- I…. mentioned.

“Oh yes, thank you…”- she replied.

“No thank you…I need a party from you…” – I said.

“Party…! When I will become a big person like you, then I will give you a party. You know that now I don’t have anything” -She said.

“You will achieve a lot more than me…You have that potential…I know” – I said.

“Your blessings matter…” -she said

“My blessings and well wishes are always with you, but now I need a party” -I said.

“Okay…when and where…?” -she said.

“I will let you know…” – I said keeping my lines short by thinking that if I stop missing her from tomorrow onwards, then what’s the need of this meeting…better not to meet.

With a rude voice I wrote “GN”.

Then I got a sweet response “Goodnight”.

But, I could not sleep. I remember the day, I had met for the first time… in my workshop, as a customer of the that she owned in her office. I was impressed in her knowledge, presentation skill and problem-solving skill. During lunch break, I came to know that she also belonged to the same state. After the 5 days workshop in her office, I had to get connected with her in her professional network. Within these 5 days, I was very much sure that she has lots of potential, which remained unutilised till date. When I visited her profile, in linkedin, I could realise that she could be a great writer.

“Ruchi, which sunsign do you belong…?”-I asked one day.

“Capricorn….”-she gently replied.

“You have the great potential to become a writer….why don’t you express yourself”-I said.

“How did you come to know…” -She asked.

“Your poem ‘Life is a Circle’, published in linkedin says so….” -I said.

“Oh, thank you, but it’s a time killer and if I start killing my time, then I have to take divorce from my first husband and if I divorce my first husband, then automatically my second husband will get divorced, which I don’t want, because I live it very much…. ”- she replied.

I got surprised….how many husbands this girl is having….”How many husbands do you have….” -I asked.

“Three… first one is my job, second one is my house and the third one is already divorced ”- she replied, after reading even though I came out from my question mark, but I liked her sense of humour and blunt nature.

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