Punyasloke Bose

Romance Action


Punyasloke Bose

Romance Action

Happy Ending

Happy Ending

5 mins

This was his transition period. Varun was not new to this. In the decade after finishing his Business Management studies and earning a value added MBA degree, Varun had switched jobs more than five times. Because he did not find stability at any place of work. The reason as he thought he was always exploited due to his competence and simple mindedness. 

Varun also had an engineering degree beside his MBA. So though he did an administrative work but he was a technocrat actually. Due to his talent and potential his employers always gave him a high pay but his bosses were never suitable.

In the five jobs he switched he found that the quality of his bosses were the same. They took away all the credit on the hard earned work done by Varun.

Varun realised this after changing three jobs. But at any place of work there would be a senior whom he would report to at the end of the day beside having many juniors reporting to him. His juniors adored him like one God or hero. Because he passed on major credits down the line on his juniors helping them get a decent raise and a promotion. So his juniors were sad when he switched jobs. Varun's skilful ability helped his seniors also get good promotion and lucrative salaries. But his bosses betrayed him. 

So there was always resentment in his mind. He even thought of going to other foreign countries in search of good respectable high paying jobs. Not that he didn't go. He went to Europe with a very good job profile. In fact he found his passion there - good job, good boss and good work life balance. But unfortunately, tragedy struck upon him. His father fell so sick that he had to return home and had to tragically leave the peaceful job which he had coveted so dearly.

He had loved a girl whom he had met once on his daily commute to office. Her name was Asha. Slowly, Asha became his pillar of support, his most trusted friend. Before going to Europe he had proposed to her which she had immediately accepted without any fuss. Varun had decided to marry Asha on his next visit home. 

But as misfortune dogged him with his father sick, his marriage was also put on the docks. 

Hurriedly, Varun took up any job that came his way. He was not all satisfied with it. Even the pay was so low that he couldn't think of marriage. But Asha stood beside him steadfastly. However, Varun failed to get motivated. He began cursing his luck and started becoming a fatalist. 

The family of Asha started to put pressure on her for marriage with any other candidate of their choice if Varun was not ready. But Asha kept resisting and slowly started coaxing Varun to accept their marriage in the present circumstances. Asha promised him that she would also work and they could jointly run their household with their combined income. 

But Varun was a skeptic. He had seen the grey side of life too ea

rly that had shaken the root of his confidence. He began dallying. 

So finally Asha succumbed to the pressure put on by her family for marriage. She let Varun know about it with deep sadness in her heart. Varun felt very heartbroken from within but didn't show it outwardly. He feared that his weakness may influence Asha 's decision. Asha showed Varun the photograph of her prospective groom. Varun immediately recognised the groom as his one time boss in one of his previous companies. 

Varun started getting jealous and angry. A thought was taking shape in his mind. Revenge was now the only objective became singular to him. He was totally confused. He could not let his onetime rascal boss take away his lady love. 

He hit upon a plan. He hired a bunch of hardened criminals. Varun knew that he was taking great risk. 

But Varun knew that as life and fate had treated him unkindly so now he would do something unorthodox that generally good and nice people do not do. 

On the day of marriage, Varun and his hired goons quickly overpowered the marriage party and took away the groom and gagged him and his close associates who were accompanying him. They kept them in a small godown which Varun had hired for this purpose. Next Varun quickly changed into the groom's attire and started on the journey to get married. The groom's family members were in a shock and were slow to react. In fact they were so confused about the course of action that Varun and Asha completed all the rituals of the Indian marriage. 

Meanwhile the original groom had managed to get himself free and came to the marriage venue with a full force of Police personnel. The Police started in their usual way asking questions and threatening to arrest Varun if he did not accompany them to the Police Station to answer some basic questions. 

But a drama took place. The other groom saw Varun and recognising him as his earlier colleague and deputy was spell bound. Varun challenged him and told him to stay off his turf to avoid complications, reminding him that he was no longer his boss. The erstwhile groom seeing himself on flimsy grounds backed off and asked the Police to withdraw from the incident. The Police went away but cautioned the groom if he further wasted their time on such flimsy matters then they would arrest him instead. 

Asha was very happy to get Varun as her husband. Within two days of his marriage Varun got a call from his European office of a job opening in a senior position and if he decided to join immediately then they would send visa for Varun and his spouse. This time his father did not hold him back knowing how he had jeopardised his son's future earlier. 

Quickly completing all the marriage rituals, Varun with Asha in tow landed in Europe to join his coveted job and moving ahead to a happy ending. 

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