Enlightened Her Life
Enlightened Her Life

When you start moving on a path to go further and alone then you will find several people will come in your life, and they go easily. But do you know one thing several people will come and will give sympathy and all during your journey but when you will need them the most then they will leave at that moment. But on between these yes some people also present in this world who is just like blessings, who is just like God in this world. Their behaviour, their attitude and their deeds for you is just an inspiration for you. You have several people around you but not everyone is able to inspire to you and try to make a better person in your life.
Anamika who was studying in a technical college. She belonged from a poor family, but she was very talented. When she was only six years old when her father expired in an accident. From that she and her mother were living alone in her village. But her mother was a strong woman. She never learned how to go back in the worst conditions. She was a very courageous woman. Every time she also taught her daughter the same rules of life. Both mother and daughter were very laborious. So they never blamed their destiny about their conditions and looked forward to life.
Anamika completed her tenth and twelfth with a good score. After that, she wanted to be a doctor. But she couldn’t due to her poor health. Finally, she decided to take admission in agriculture stream, and she got success in taking admission in an agricultural college.
She was intelligent from her childhood and after the medical profession, it was her second choice, so she had special interest in this field too. She started studying there at full pace but again there she started facing a lot of problems. Her mind distracted from the study even she tried a lot to handle all the worst situations. No one of her friends and batchmates helped her in those conditions.
Five months of her college passed, and she was in severe depression. One day she was scrolling her phone and searching for something on her facebook. Suddenly she found a Facebook profile. She sent him a friend request. He was her senior. But she never interacted with him in her college before that. But she heard a lot about him. So, she sent him a friend request without thinking for a while about him.
Sometimes when you meet or talk to a person for the first time then you can’t estimate that one day you will come to a point where your first day meet with a stranger can change into a best friend or something better than anyone can understand. Sometimes this is changed into friendship and others.
Two days later when she was scrolling her facebook profile then she got a notification of friend request accepted from him. Immediately she got a message from his side. She also replied to his message. Then their conversation started. He asked her about study and all. It was a story before her fresher’s party. She was about to complete her first semester and before the commencement of her final examination. She had fresher’s party. Everyone was busy with that party because everyone was eagerly waiting for it. But she was not interested at all, as she didn’t like dancing and singing but it was compulsory for all so, she decided to sing a song.
She was not ready to accept the challenge, as it was her first when she had to sing on a stage. She asked him about it then he helped her a lot from her voice training to background music selection. Even during the fresher’s day, he was working for her to keep a distance from her fear of singing and all. He knew that she is a shy type of girl, and she is frank only with him.
Finally, that day well spent only due to him. Lastly, she thanked him for her help. He gave a smile and said, Pleasure is all mine. Due to his behavior, he was attracted towards her but not in a bad sense. Yes, only in one day talk, he gave so many things to remember to her that she couldn’t forget in her life. Generally, she had no trust in boys, but she got confidence in her self, and she had created trust in herself after choosing him in her life.
From the very first day, it became her routine to talk with him every day. It was neither lust nor attraction. But his behaviour attracted him to her. Whenever she felt depressed then she called him, even if he was busy with his daily stuff, but he never missed her calls. When he knew about her stress, he thought for a while it might be due to her results and marks but one day when he knew about her marks then he couldn’t believe in himself that what he was thinking for her, and he congratulated her for the result.
The examination ended and she went to her home. College was empty during the vacation of college after the exam, and it was the time of Holi in March. After the end of vacation it was the time to return to college, but she was not ready to go to college. One day he texted her about college. But she said I don’t want to go to college. I hate my college and its environment. Then he insisted a lot that I was also not interested to live and study but see what I am doing now. I am happy here because I am busy with myself. He was the one who’s a single word was enough to control her anger, tears, and stress.
The next day she came to her college and started studying in her next semester. Slowly their distance started decreasing and their talk on calls and on social media started increasing. Whenever she needed she contacted him. From his side too, he was always there for her. Yes, why not because she was treating him like her elder brother, and he was treating like a younger sister.
Their relationship growing day by day. She also had an special corner in her heart. As she knew he was the one due to him she was in that college. It was not only due to his helping nature and all. But she knew everything about him, and he was very frank in all. He said everything about his last past and about himself. After listening to his story, she was totally numb. She couldn’t believe in herself that what she heard from his mouth but it was a reality about him. After all this, she had gained respect for him too. She started thinking about him with another thinking.
She was treating him like his mentor. He was an inspiration for him from her first day of the talk. She couldn’t think that a person who was hiding a lot of things in himself was here to give the right path. But he always stood behind her. Whenever she felt sad then he encouraged a lot to do something good and achieve something in her life. Yes, he was a kind-hearted person. He had a lot of brilliant ideas at such a young age due to which he influenced her too every time.
Rather than being a student of agriculture, he was
the owner of several start-ups and earned a lot, but he had not proud and he never has shown to anyone. Apart from this he was an author and write several books.
He was a tower of inspiration for her. People created a lot of bad stuff about them, but he never looked back as he knew what he was doing could be known by only a few people and all those who are thinking bad are not well-wishers.
She was so much inspired by him that due to his influence, she became a very good writer and poet. Even she started working for him and for his company. It was not one-sided that she was doing for him but it was first from him. He did a lot for her selflessly.
You can find several peoples around you. Even in his age, you will find that boys were stalking girls and wasting his father’s age but from that age, he was earning his own. It was not that his parents were not able to spend on him but only due to the tendency of working and managing all these at such a young age.
His every work and working style inspired her to go ahead in her life. He inspired her to do great in her life. Yes, of course, due to him, she also achieved various things in her life. But she was also a girl of giving priority to the right person. Yes from her side, he was the one to take priority from her. It was also her duty to dedicate all her great works credit to him. She did the same.
It was a time when she had completed her B.sc degree. She took admission to the M.B.A program after that. As she did everything with her permission. He had also completed his M.B.A degree from IIM. Madras. After completing his M.B.A, he started his own startup. He was busy with his work. He was a laborious person. Due to his kind-hearted persona, every one of his company liked him. He was also working hard, as it was his dream to give work to thousands of persons. He was busy to achieve his dreams. He was working for this.
In between all these, she was also busy completing her degree and her degree was about to end. After that, she has to join his company.
Everything was going good according to her plan. But destiny had some other plans for him. Yes, the person who enlightened a girl’s life just being a God for her and apart from her he was an inspiration for thousands of youngsters never knew that he was doing all these things for himself or for others. He struggled a lot to make everyone’s life better never knew about his conditions. He never knew that he was suffering from such a dreadful disease.
It was time when after completing her degree, she reached to Banglore to join her job in his company. In the month of July, she joined his company. She was full of excitement to work with him. He was her mentor as well as her inspiration, so it was her duty to do something for him too. He had not insisted she to work for him but he had a lot of expectations from her too. Several times, she asked him too about his expectations from her that he shown after seeing her working tendency but from both no one knew what God’s had to plan in the future.
Time passes and the company was growing day and night. He was very happy after seeing his company’s success, and he always gave all the credits of his company’s success to her. But everything changed suddenly.
One day in the late-night, he was giving all instructions to her about the company’s work. That day no one knew what’s going on in his mind that from account to financing and all. From password to keys he gave her to handle. After seeing all these she was nervous that what happened to him? Why he is doing all these and why he is giving everything to handle? She asked a lot about it, but he never gave any answer to her questions. He only said because I have trust in you, so I am giving to you and nothing.
After that, she never spoke a word about it. After completing all works both went for dinner on the dining table. Both sat on the table and started eating. In between these, she asked a lot of questions but that day he was not in a mood to give a single answer. She was afraid after seeing his behavior. As she knew in the history of seven years, he never did like that day.
He took just two to three bites. Suddenly he started vomiting and fell on the ground. She called an ambulance and instantly admitted to a hospital. Doctors checked everything but unfortunately, they declared him dead. Now everything around her changed. Everything happened in an hour. Everyone reached there in some time. Everyone asked her about his sudden death, but she was not in a mood to give answer to all these questions.
She was in severe shock after his death. Everyone asked to doctor about his sudden death then they said it was only due to a massive heart attack. People started asking a lot of questions about this disease. Even he left a question for everyone that if he was suffering from this disease then why he didn’t inform her about this. They asked her to search for medical reports but nothing could be found.
Next question was if he didn’t know about his disease and everything happened suddenly then why he gave everything to her. Everyone was serious about these two things. But he left everything behind him with a lot of questions to solve. After his departure, her condition was also bad but everyone gave her sympathy and said that he had faith in you and he knew that you are the one who can handle his company after his departure. So, you have to be bold to handle his works and his company. Do you stand and start a new journey for him.
She also thought and stand suddenly to start a new journey just by following his path. She knew now he will never come but she has to stand for him as it was his dream to work something different for all. So it was her turn. He was the one who helped her in her every worst situation. He enlightened her life. He was the reason for her smile. He was a real inspiration for her. Only due to him, today she is standing in such a great place. So, it must be her duty to give a small contribution of her work for him, as he had a lot of expectations from her.
She stood and took oath in front of God and in front of his photo and moved towards the company from a different perspective and in a different mood. Only in six months, she made the company’s turn over thrice the company’s past turn-over. But she missed him at such a happy time. As she knew she is everything today only due to him and no one stood for her in the toughest phase of her life.
Yes, but she did everything according to his decision. She was inspired by him, so whenever she did anything, she always gave all credits and due respect to him.