Anjali Jha



Anjali Jha


You Are The Creator Of Your Own Destiny

You Are The Creator Of Your Own Destiny

19 mins

The journey of life is not easy for all but to make it awesome and fill with happiness and to make it like the blossom of flowers, hard work, dedication, and determination are required. To achieve success in our lives and to make life comfortable, we must have to believe in ourselves first. We must have to fill with positive thoughts and walk on the road with enthusiasm, hope, and faith in ourselves whether we are moving alone on the road or how hard the situation is but we must have to keep in mind that difficult roads always lead to a beautiful destination. If nothing is permanent here then nothing is also impossible here only we have to find our direction to change the impossible into possible. Luck, faith, and destiny all can be changed by us if we work on them because the ray of hope is always present inside the failure and if success is not final then failure is not fatal only we have the courage to continue our journey to count all these from failure to success.

Some things are in our hand and we can do anything for them that we called them Karma and some things that are not in our hand that is in the hands of our Almighty apart from this what we are doing and what will happen next after it is our destiny. But before doing if we think about our destiny and our future and we won’t do that even what we can do is our fault and it’s not our destiny’s fault.

We have to fill ourselves with hope, courage, and expectations. In short term, our destiny can overcome us but in long term, it won’t work we have to make our destiny. After every night there is a day. After every ocean, there is a bank where we find land after the deepest ocean of water. After every tunnel, there is an end where we can find the light after passing from the darkness. So, we have to rise ourselves with the light of expectations that “if the sun sets in the west then the next day sun rises in the east.”

If we look at this world then we see behind every successful person and behind their success stories, there are painful and struggling stories of the past. Some people walk on the open road just along with hope and expectations. Sometimes they are so lonely that they are even ditched by their family and society but they never look back because they have confidence in themselves that they will do what they want to do in life. They know very well that they are the creator of their own destiny.

Varun was born into a poor class family and he was the first child of her parents among their four children. His mother was a housewife and his father was running his own bicycle repair shop outside his village. Life was not so smooth as in his family there was only one earner and there were six members in his family. So, it’s difficult to provide food, shelter, clothes, medicine, education, and everything from his father’s hard-earned money. They were living in a single room. Life was very complicated but they were happy with what God has given to them. All children were enjoying their life in their own style.

Varun was very intelligent in his childhood. He had a special interest in science and study. He was growing day by day among his four sisters. When he grew then he also helped his father at his shop after school and studied. They were living in scarcity of everything but they didn’t utter a word to their parents. They got only one pair of clothes in the whole on the occasion of Holi but they didn’t ask their parents for more in a year but they were happy with it.

Now he also started his study and started going to school but due to money, he went to a government school. He was not able to pay for books and copies. Sometimes he became very curious to see his textbooks but he couldn’t purchase them. One day he decided to go to his friend’s house to read with him. Aniket was his best friend in his village. So, he invited him to come to his home. After reaching home, he was very excited to go to his home. He instantly ate some food and ran towards his home and Aniket was also waiting for him to study together.

Both went inside the home and started studying. At that time his mother went to the market with her friends for shopping, so he was alone at home. After an hour his mother came and she saw Varun was sitting on Aniket’s bed and both were engrossed in study. When she saw this scene, she became angry with her child. She suddenly rushed towards his room and slapped him hard. Slapping was so hard that her hand left five fingers print on his cheek. Both were stunned for a while and couldn’t utter a word. Both were nervous that why she slapped him so hard without asking or giving any warning. Again she continued, “Do you know?” Who is he? Aniket said, “Yes I know, he is Varun and he is my best friend. He had no books and he can’t buy them, so I asked him to come here.” Again, she said, Huh………. He is your best friend and not mine. I don’t like to allow to come and sit in my room with a stranger. And one more thing he is a stranger to me as well as what’s his status? Uska aukad hi kya hai mere samne, baap iska cycle punchar banata hai aur beta chala hai IAS bnne. Aree IAS bhi to IAS ka hi beta banta hai bhikhari ka nhi. Padh ke hi kya kr lega…. Jyada se jyada baap se bara dukan khol lega aur kuhh nhi. (What’s his status infront of me? His father makes a bicycle punctures and the the son has gone on to become an IAS officer. Hey, an IAS officer also becomes the son of an IAS, not a beggar’s son. What he will do after studying? He will do more than he will open a shop bigger than his father). After listening to all this he couldn’t speak a word but tears were rolling down from his eyes. He was not in a condition to either sit there or leave at that moment.

But for him, Aniket started quarreling with his mother. Again his mother started beating him and also warned him that she will complain about this to his father. But he had no effect on this, he was continuously weeping and cursing his mother for doing this. After all this Varun came forward to wipe his tears and gave sympathy and finally left his home. In between this when he was walking on the road and moving towards his home, only one thought was running through his mind. Neither he was cursing his destiny nor he was cursing his parents about their status due to which he was insulted by her.

Necessity is the mother of invention. In this universe, everything originated by living beings only when they had lack of something. Without need, we can’t do anything because our mind couldn’t focus on that need if we have everything in our life. Sometimes we do work and it's completed successfully and we gave credit for this to ourselves but in reality, we do only our half part and the other part is completed by this whole universe in different forms. Everything that happens in this world is only due to reason. If we have no questions then we have no answer. So, just to give the answer first we have to search the question, and only then we can proceed. Nothing is permanent and nothing is impossible. Only we have to analyze ourselves in every situation and we have to work towards our lack because never a misery undeserved and there never has been an evil, for which we didn’t pave the way with our own hands. But after all these analyses we come to a point where I find a ray of hope and that ray says us that we have no control of the external world, but that which is in me and nearest to me and my own world is in my control and that’s my destiny.

Just thinking about all these during his journey from Aniket’s home to his own home finally he decided to do something best in his life. Yes, his journey started from there. He made himself strong for this and isolated himself from the world just to bring positivity inside himself. He knew that he couldn’t achieve what he want in his life alone because success is a combination of both success and failure and for this, he has to learn from people and negativity to make himself more strong. Just has to keep patience for himself, just he has to work persistently, and he has to work with perspiration to make an unbeatable combination for success.

After all, that happened to him, he didn’t say to anyone in his family. But he changed now. He started working hard. He was continuous in his work. But sometimes when we want to move forward then our fate is also against of this but we have to work against our fate just to achieve our real success because we are the creator of our destiny and we have to work in such a way that even one time what our fate was against us will be in our favor.

He was in class 9th when his father became seriously ill. He was admitted to a hospital for a few days but due to lack of money, he was discharged from that hospital. In between this, a doctor from a government hospital helped him a lot. He came for regular checkups. Now his mother started working in the shop and he also helped his mother with this. At home, his sisters were taking care of his father. In this situation it was very difficult for him to continue his study but to pursue his dreams, he continued. Her sisters were also educated up to matriculation, so they helped him in his study. He continued his study and just gulping down all his problems he finally sat in the matriculation examination. His exam lasted in February on 23rd and now he was free from his first stage hurdle.

It was 27th of February when his father finally left this world after his prolonged illness. He was suffering from cancer and due to lack of treatment, they couldn’t save him. Now everything ended in his life without completion. All burden came on his head. He gave up his dreams and decided to leave his study and continue his father’s work.

He started working in the shop along with his mother. After two months his result was out and he topped his school. Now a ray of hope came in front of him. His mother and sister supported him to continue his study. But the next problem arose now to take admission in which college. He got into a college in which he had to pay ten thousand in advance for two years course. But he couldn’t give such a large amount so again he decided to leave his dreams. One day he sat in his shop and his mother was also sitting there. Suddenly the doctor came who was treating his father and he was also going for admission of his children. He asked him, “Whatsup?” He said, Nothing so much, as usual, sir. Life is just going on track. He asked about his study and then he explained everything. Then the doctor instantly gave him ten thousand from his pocket and advised him to take admission.

He instantly rushed towards the college. Till that time the second list was also ready to announce the student admission list. He prayed to take his admission. Finally, he took admission there and started his journey. Two years of life was the toughest phase of his life. He woke up early in the morning at

6 O’clock. At 7 O’clock his classes started and he returned home at 1 pm. After that, he went to teach students in tuition and it continued until 10 pm every night. After that, he came to his shop for a ledger purpose and after completing work there he reached home after that, he started studying till two to three am in the morning, and only after that he was sleeping. His sisters were also teaching in a village and everyone was working hard. In this way, their life was running. Finally, he completed his intermediate and also gave the CEE examination in which he got 180 marks out of 200. And he got selected for NIT for engineering.

But shaping his career in engineering was not easy for him. He was not able to pay fees in engineering college. Apart from the college fee he had to pay seventy thousand for the hostel and mess. He decided not to pay money for that and what will be the outcomes. Anyway, he took admission there and the fee was paid by his mother which she earned in two years. His sisters earned in tuition and also he earned in his salary and also through his friends. He adjusted his first-year fee of a total of one lakh budget. Finally, he left his home and shifted to a college hostel.

Again the same thing he decided that anyway he has submitted the first year but now he won’t for the next year's fee. Finally, he came there with positivity but when he came there and talked to some seniors and batchmates they said to him, “Do you know?” Without backlogs, you can’t complete your engineering. If you complete this without backlog then people will think that you have not studied engineering. Some toppers are also present but they are of another world. After listening to all these rumors he became sad and also he was afraid after thinking about his condition. Anyway, he started his study there even after listening to all rumors. Finally, he decided to study in his full-time and not to put himself in any extra-curricular activities. Six months passed, so his first-semester exam was completed. Finally, he got eighty-six percent marks which were obviously the highest at that time. Maybe that record was broken by someone now but at that, it has some other value.

 After his result, he came into existence in his college as every one of his college from students to teachers and all staff came to know about him. Now everyone started counting him as a genius.

But again the next problem started and that problem was the fee. He again decided not to pay the fee this time anyway. Because he had no option to fee at this time. Till now his pocket money was paid for by his friends. Then he decided to talk to his principal, Dean, and the admission department of his college so that he can get some way to waive his college fee.

One day he met Mrs. Sukanya Sinha who was an assistant professor of the mathematics department at his college. She was his teacher as well she was his Rakhi sister she tied him Rakhi so he also gave credit to her sister. He told her all the problems of his family. She decided to help him with his study. First, she informed about him to the principal, dean, vice Chancellor and all departments of his colleagues about him. And this matter spread like the fire of the jungle. She asked them to give Mercy his fee as he was not able to in the next session but to process all these it took one year and finally he entered in next semester. Till now his friends and his professor Mrs. Sukanya Sinha paid his fee and all.

 In this, he completed his four years of college. In the next and final year of his college, companies started coming for campus placements. Before placements, the final result from University has also arrived and he was a University topper. He was a University gold medalist.

Apart from this during placements, he got opportunities from six companies. He was the one in his college who completed his engineering degree without any backlogs and got opportunities from six companies at a time.

During this, he met a professor at IIT Delhi who asked him about his future plans and asked him to give an exam for GATE. He accepted this and prepared himself for this in only four months. He sat in the examination and secured his seat in the GATE examination and also got a seat at IIT Bombay.

Again after this, his college organized two days seminar in which a met Dr. Surendra Iyyar who was a scientist at DRDO. He asked him for IES(Indian Engineering Services) examination. He was ready for this too. Now he had only five months for his IES examination. He took the syllabus and book for preparation. He started his preparation. When he took the syllabus of that examination he was sure that he will crack this examination because he saw the whole syllabus was the same as the syllabus of his four-year engineering degree program. In this way, he prepared for four months for the IES examination. Now examination was about to commence in the next month but again his plan changed when he met an IAS officer in his district. He was truly motivated by him. He came to know about IAS that it's the most prestigious examination and job in our country.

Again he left his IES preparation and decided first and last to be an IAS officer but now his mother changed her decision and she became angry with him. He has not talked to him for a few months. As she asked him to join his job rather than study more now because his family's condition became worst now.

His mother convinced him to join his job but he left all his options when he decided to join his job till that time date has passed. But at last, his mother was ready to help him with IAS preparation. Finally, he started his preparation. When he started his preparation till that time he had only four months left for the prelim examination. Anyway, he started his preparation by just keeping himself engrossed only in books and syllabi.

Four months passed and his exam date arrived. He prepared himself very well to sit in the examination. Finally, he sat in the examination and completed his prelims examination. After prelims, he had only six months' time for his mains examination. Now he has to select his optional for the preparation of the mains examination. But now he was sometimes sinking into the subject selection and sometimes he was diving into the course syllabus. He was unable to select his subjects. First, he took geography. When he read only the first four pages everything became out of his mind. Then he took other subjects one by one. Sometimes he was taking philosophy, sometimes he was taking history, and sometimes economics. Till that time his prelims result was out and he has qualified for his prelims examination. Now he has to select his best optional subject and he has to work hard. Then he went to meet his mentor and asked for subject selection. He advised him to choose political science. He took and tried to understand the subject but now his wait came to an end. Finally, he chose political science as an optional subject and started his preparation. He was a hard worker as well as he did smart studies in the preparation for examinations. Every day he was about to cover some topics and for this, he made a study plan and he completed every backlog the next even he has to cover more topics on the next day but he never took his leg behind from his preparation and hard work. It was his dedication. It was his passion.

After six months of hard work, it was the day of the main examination. In the first sitting, it was his GS paper but unfortunately, he couldn’t do well in the examination. He came outside the examination hall in a frustrating condition. He was so sad that he was continuously weeping in his leisure time between the first sitting and the second sitting examinations.

In between this, he sat in the next sitting in which an optional subject examination has to be held. Do you know if you are honest with yourself as well as with your work then no one can change your destiny? If you are going to make your own path, your own destiny then maybe you have to pass a lot of hurdles but no one can change your path. Yes, he was very honest in his work from his childhood. He loved to study from his own notes and for this, he always made his own notes. He was very talented in making notes and distributing them to his friends. He has also mentored several friends in making notes and today all his deeds of the past helped him a lot.

He was sure that he won’t be selected on the first attempt. So he was sad about this and he was cursing himself for his destiny’s job. But miracles always happen suddenly. You can’t estimate your destiny’s deeds. But it always works on its time. Yes, when he got news of mains result first he couldn’t believe his ears but when he asked again and his friend repeated again then he was on cloud nine. He secured the 32nd rank in the mains exam and he was hearing what was 3200. He was in a difference of two digits. He was still not believing in himself because he was remembering that he has not attempted more questions in the GS paper but how this miracle happened?

Then his mentor said to him that here how many questions you have attempted didn’t matter but here only how well you have answered all those questions mattered in the ranking of students. His way of writing each and every answer helped him in getting this position. After seven years a ray of hope and a beam of happiness was blinking in his home. His mother and sisters were proud of him. He was the one who is going to change his destiny through his deeds.

Finally, after the mains examination, it was time for an interview. Till now everything he got in his life is what he wants in his life. But for an interview, he was very nervous. But it went very well and finally, his dream came true. A poor boy from a poor family without his father today got success in India’s prestigious examination which is the dream of several youths. A boy was thrown out of his friend’s home by his mother but today she is that lady who came into his office to take help from him. It’s not a miracle that his destiny changed but all these became possible for him only due to his hard work, dedication and determination took him here. He is the creator of his own destiny.

Everything is possible in this world only if we work ourselves in this direction to achieve our dreams. We work on our journey to achieve our destination. We shape our future through our work and no one can do it for us. We create our own destiny by the way we do things. We have to take these opportunities and be responsible for our choices because a slight mistake can change our lives forever.

“We write our own destiny. We become only what we do. We are the decider of our own destinies and the inventor of our identity. We create our own story and perhaps more importantly we also write the last chapter of our story.”

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