Her Departure

Her Departure

13 mins

Our country has one of the most powerful constitutions and one of the most influential republic states but when we see it on a point of humanity with respect to women then it’s the most dangerous country of the world. If we are looking for any states, any districts, any villages and any part of country where females are safe then we are wrong. In this modern era, our country’s women are suffering from rape, dowry system, child marriage, lack of education, gender discrimination and domestic violence that’s the saddest part of our humanity and socialism. Humans are social animals but if these social animals became the reason for someone’s extinction who also belongs to their species then they are not social but they are completely wild. Apart from all social evils from which our women are suffering and they have to raise voice against them is the dowry system. It’s our society’s need, it’s our women’s need to eradicate this social issue completely from our society. Today’s women do not want anything but they want peace, happiness, and prosperity in her family as well as in her lawyer’s house.

Ravindra was living in a small town in Assam. He was working as a labor in the plywood industry. His wife was working as a housewife. He had only three daughters named Vinita, Anita, and Kiran. All three sisters were studying in a government school. They were studying and also helped her mother at work. The whole family was very happy even being very poor. They had own world apart from this selfish world.

Everything was going smoothly in their lives. Time was passing with its own speed and his daughters were growing at their own pace. As his daughters were growing, Ravindra and his wife’s problems were increasing. Their tensions were increasing as when their daughters were growing. Now they had to think about their marriage. But they were thinking more for dowry than their marriage. Ravindra was poor, so he had to think and to collect dowry before their marriage and it was time to start collecting things for their dowry.

One day both were talking about it. Suddenly someone in her street came to their house to meet them. When they hear about their problems then he promised them that he could find a groom who won’t dowry in their daughter’s marriage. After getting this news then they took breathe and relaxed for their marriage. 

Finally, that time also came when they started searching groom for his first daughter. Various groom’s families came to see her daughter, they liked his daughter but when it came to dowry they always rejected his marriage proposal. Some rejected money and assets. Some rejected for household items. Some rejected for his poor conditions. It’s a mentality of the groom’s family and they were recognizing her just seeing her parent condition. It means they were going to marriage with a dowry, not with a girl. They even didn’t know that relationship can’t be completed with money and assets but it will complete only through two families. 

One day her father decided to keep her in his relative’s house when he got news of the arrival of the groom’s family. He kept her in his brother’s house as his brother’s house was big and spread in large area so that they can accept his daughter. The same happened what he was thinking? 

The next day the groom’s family came to see her. They were so greedy that they came to see the bride but they accepted the marriage proposal just seeing such a big house and facilities. They said okay for marriage and left his house. Her parents were very happy with her marriage. They started her marriage’s preparation. That day also came when his daughter left his home after marriage and reached to her law’s house. They were filled with mixed emotions when they were ready to depart their daughter. They were a little happy and a little sad too. 

Finally, Ravindra’s daughter reached her law’s house. The next two days she lived there happily. But one day when she was sitting in her room then her mother in law came and asked her about dowry. She asked, “You came here two days ago but your father has not sent dowry till now.” Why so, why your father did like this to me? Your father betrayed us and especially my son. Your father has such a big house but when it came to giving dowry for his daughter then he became silent. Your father is a cheater. Your father took us lightly because we have not asked for dowry before marriage as we knew that your father is rich so, he will give us a huge amount in dowry. We accepted this marriage proposal only after seeing your father’s property not after seeing you. But what we got? Nothing in return…..

We betrayed by your father. Now if our relatives will come and will ask about dowry that what your daughter in law brought then what I will answer? We have no answers now. Then Vinita said, “Mom see my father is not so reaching as you thought. Even you are talking about my father’s house but the reality is that they kept me in my uncle’s house just for accepting my marriage proposal because few proposals were rejected just due to my father’s poor condition. My father is not capable to give dowry. He gave me to you in place of dowry. What’s the need of dowry in front of me mom?” After hearing this her mother in law became angry on her. Then to cope with this situation Vinita left that place and went to another place.

After some time Vinita’s husband Arvind and his sister Arpita came there and asked the mother about Vinita’s sadness. Then she explained everything in front of them. After hearing her story they scolded their mother for her behavior. She couldn’t anything at that but she decided to give punishment to Vinita for this. 

Now she started showing her different face to Vinita. She started torturing her without any reason. She started beating her without any mistakes. Sometimes she closed her in a room and couldn’t provide food and water to her whenever her son was out of the home. And this situation continued and was increasing day by day. Another side Vinita who never uttered a word for all these tortures that were given to her by her mother in law. She was silently gulping down all her problems.  

One day she was washing the clothes for her whole family. She was washing and her mother in law was collecting clothes and utensils in front of her to wash. She was silently doing everything without eating anything for the whole day. But in the end what her mother in law did? When she was spreading clothes in sunlight, unfortunately, one cloth fell down on the ground. Arvind’s mother was seeing everything from the balcony. Just within minutes, she came with a broom and started beating her harshly. Suddenly her son and daughter came there and asked her the reason for doing the same to Vinita.

First, she gave the reason for dirty clothes but later she explained the reason behind this is dowry. She was happy when she was explaining everything to her children but she got the opposite reaction after this. Both started cursing themselves in calling her their mother. They were very unfortunate that their mother was doing this just for dowry. She has no humanity. She can sell her son for dowry. She will buy the groom for her daughter. When they scolded their mother a lot for then her eyes opened completely. She came in front of them and asked to pardon her but they denied and said to go for Vinita for this because she was humiliating her for dowry. Then she went in front of Vinita and said sorry to her. But she was very kind-hearted and she hugged her tightly and said, You are my mother. You have no need to ask for sorry. Every human can do a mistake but if humans ask for sorry after doing mistake then it’s the greatest humanity. 

After this, their family was very happy but Arvind and

Arpita also informed Vinita about this. They said You have to know if someone is doing bad with you then you must have to raise your voice. You don’t have to keep yourself silent. It's your biggest mistake. Because you are more punishable than the one who was torturing you. So, you must have to raise your voice. Every human has the right to raise voice against violence that they are facing whether you are woman or man. So, don’t be silent. Raise your voice now. It’s a story of Vinita who was tortured by her mother in law for dowry but she was very fortunate that she could be saved by her husband and sister in law because they were educated and they know very well about the negative effects of dowry. But not everyone is the same in today’s time itself, and this story didn’t end here but it continues with Vinita’s younger sister Anita.

Two years after Vinita’s marriage her father started searching the groom for Anita. After endless efforts, her father got a groom for her and she got married to Deepak. He searched the best according to his capacity and what a father can do for his daughter, he also did. Her father gave what he could give in dowry just to keep her laws happy. At this time even he sold some part of his land to give money in dowry. Finally, he sent his daughter to the groom’s home. Deepak was working as an assistant in a private company. His family’s condition was good. Everyone was working in different firms and his family was happy. After marriage, she was happy in her laws house. Everything was going smoothly in her life. She was enjoying her life with her family. But everything will be the same for the whole life in someone’s life is not possible. 

Six months passed after her marriage, one day her laws were decided to marry her daughter whose name was Kalyani. They started searching the groom for Kalyani. She was the youngest in the family. They were searching for the groom just out of their capacity. Groom’s family were demanding dowry more than they need because they were giving the excuse of the girl’s being non-educated and not so good in look. But the side Anita’s family who was very greedy for receiving more money and assets from Anita’s father. They were sure that her father will give more dowry whenever they will demand. So, they accepted the marriage proposal for Kalyani and said to Anita to ask her father for money. She said, my father gave dowry in my marriage just exceeding his capacity. What my father gave in my marriage was beyond the limit and for that, he even sold some part of the land. Now my younger sister left for marriage and my parent's whole life is still left. If my father will pay only to his married daughter then what will happen to them? Who will help him in his rest life? Daughters won’t help him whenever he will need. Daughters will be busy in her own family and life. So, my father can’t help you with this and he can’t pay more money now. 

After listening to this, her husband became angry at her and ordered her to call her father as soon as possible. She feared and called her father immediately and asked her father for money. She was talking to her when her husband snatched the phone from her hand and asked her father to give money for his sister’s marriage. But he denied as he had no more money. They were earning and investing it in their food and daily needs. They had no more extra income. Then her husband disconnected his call and threw her phone aside angrily. She ran to carry her mobile but her husband pushed her and fell down. 

Finally, Kalyani’s marriage proposal was rejected by the groom’s side due to dowry. They also insulted her family for not giving the required amount in dowry and also making everything gloomy. But all these happened and they were insulted by the groom’s family were not accepted by Kalyani’s father and brother. They put all blame for this to Anita and her father. This became a powerful point for them to torture her for dowry and all. 

Life became just like hell for her. Nowadays she had to face insult and torture from her husband as well as from her laws. They were treated very badly with her. She had to work hard for the whole day but if anything went wrong then everyone scolded her. Without any reason they even bet her rudely. Several days they didn’t provide her food. Several days they bet her and closed her in a room. She had no option to inform her parents about it. She couldn’t save herself from being humiliated and tortured by her laws and husband. She couldn’t utter a word in her rescue. 

They were behaving with her like she was a wild animal and she had no existence in this world. They were behaving with her like she was a slave of them and they brought her like a slave in their home. With each passing day, their crime on her was increasing. They were behaving with her like she was useless in their home. In every family, if a woman is suffering from domestic violence then its biggest reason is only other women of that family. In our country, one woman is the enemy of another woman. In the dowry case also women are the biggest enemy of their daughter in law. They always tried to kill her for the sake of money and assets. They are always in search to kill his bride and to marry him again so that to earn more dowry through another marriage. Just their foolish ideas always take them on the verge of such dreadful work.

In her case, one day Deepak’s mother called her son and said to him to kill her finally so that she can marry him again with another girl and can earn money and assets from her parents. Her son was also fooled like her. When his mother said to him about this, he was very happy with her decision. He was in a hurry to kill her and in the night when he came from his duty. He came along with rope and prepared a stake in another room. Anita was unaware of this. Her husband called her politely. She came to him and went behind him in another room. He closed room and forcefully hanged her on stake. It was only five minutes' work but what will happen next that they didn’t know? Finally, after this hell life, she ended her life but now it's not easy for them to remarry their son after killing her just for dowry. When her father got news of her demise they knew that it was a case of murder, not anything because he knew that they tortured her for dowry and only due to this they killed her. He informed to police instantly. Police also took action for it and they caught them red-handed when they were about to burn her during the last rituals. Police kept them behind the bars. Now they were facing imprisonment in the case of a daughter in law and wife’s murder for dowry. They were facing imprisonment for both dowry and murder. 

Finally what happened for dowry? Two families are dying in the curse of dowry. One lost their daughter and another lost daughter in law. Apart from this, they are also facing insult from society and all. Their life became hell now. Just for the sake of money and assets, they took this decision. Their greedy nature took them here. 

It's not a story of only Vinita and Ankita but it’s a story of several girls in our country. Every family is facing the same problem. They even don’t know that they are doing all this only for dowry from their bride’s family but they have to think for their own daughter. Every year five thousand girls and women are dying due to dowry. Taking and giving dowry is a punishable offense. We have to think for a while before making any decision about this. Dowry is that social evil due to which parents are cursing themselves if a daughter is born in their family. When she born from that time they have to think for dowry. So, it’s a major issue in our society. It's necessary to eradicate this issue from our society as soon as possible which is coming from the time immemorial.

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