Sanjaykumar B Dohat

Abstract Classics Inspirational


Sanjaykumar B Dohat

Abstract Classics Inspirational

Encourage Yourself

Encourage Yourself

1 min

A man named Rohan had been living in Palanpur City for a long time. He was employed by a private company. One day he was fired. He then became depressed. A friend advised him to come out of depression. He says "always think good - be good". When the young man recovered after the treatment he began to guide others very well. He also counseled people in the family.

 Once his wife fell very ill. She was in the car on the way to the hospital. Repeatedly saying- I will not live anymore.

 Her husband said, "Don't worry! Think of the day when you will be completely healed. Then this is how we get back home."

 This affected his wife so much that when she was hospitalized ten days a week, she kept thinking that one day I would recover and go home. Eventually, she recovered and returned home. |

 It is important to think positively. Think good - it will be good.

 Second, our words have great power. Encourage, encourage yourself. Think good - be good.

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