Corona Outbreak
Corona Outbreak

Once upon a time in a cave by the seashore on a not so stormy night a bat got up late to search for food. The bat was feeling a bit sick. it went out after some insect but hit hard on the lighthouse and broke its wing and fell straight in the sea. A fish that was unlucky the whole day did not get enough to eat. The warm blood of the bat attracted the fish, it quickly finished the bat. The bat also harbored a new strain of virus hitherto unknown to anyone alive!
The next day morning fisherman Zhang wei went fishing and caught the very fish that had eaten the bat. Fisherman zhang wei chopped the fish into hundred pieces and used them as bait to catch other fish and some seafood. It was a lucky day for zhang. His trawler was full.
He was happy to get a good haul. It was his daughter's Birthday and he wanted to sell the catch and go back home as soon as he could.
At the local fish market, a hotel chef came to buy some fish for his signature dish the "Raw Fish salad". He procured the entire haul of Zhang. A lot of random people ate raw fish and seafood salad.
Grandpa Liu was happy to meet his grandkids for the family reunion. They all ate their favorite raw fish salad. On the next table, a group of college kids, a ladies kitty party, and several families had ordered the salad. They all ate it and went back to their respective homes.
After some time Grandpa Liu who was already very old and weak, developed flu-like symptoms but did not worry much. He ate some anti-allergy ta
blets, but the symptoms persisted. Soon he experienced chest congestion, vomiting and was admitted to the local hospital. The virus had picked its first victim!! After about 20 days Grandpa Liu died not before spreading the virus to the hospital staff, family, and his neighborhood.
Soon many more people exhibited similar symptoms but the doctors treated them with common medicines as no-one suspected this was an onset of a very serious and highly infectious viral outbreak!
One doctor Li wenliang carefully studied the patients and studied the symptoms carefully and he suspected this to be not the ordinary flu but something more...something more infectious and serious. By this time the death toll was not very high...but the virus had already infected a considerable amount of people. The elderly and the immunocompromised individuals were succumbing to the infections.
The doctor quickly prepared a report and informed the authorities. But because of bureaucratic, political, and economical reasons, the doctor was told to hush. Dr. Li worked day and night and tried several combinations of the medicines to cure the patients. He was constantly getting exposed to the virus and worked in close proximity to the patients. Finally, the news of the outbreak reached other nations. The neighboring nations announced quarantine to save their nationals. But the damage had been done! The virus was at large....infecting people through direct contact.....and thus began the sordid saga of the Corona Outbreak!!