Archana Mohod

Children Stories


Archana Mohod

Children Stories

Sundari And The Coriander Bunch

Sundari And The Coriander Bunch

2 mins

Sundari the female elephant stayed in a Wildlife sanctuary at Bondla, Goa. Bondla is in Ponda taluka ( Northwestern Goa). It is a safe haven for countless wildlife beings affected by Human-wildlife conflicts.

While all other animals were in enclosures to minimize contact with humans, the two elephants had the privilege to roam free. In exchange, the elephants offered rides to visitors. One particular afternoon when shivu, the caretaker came to feed the elephant, he forgot his veggie bag near Sundari. The bag had ripe tomatoes and a bunch of fresh coriander. 

Sundari fiddled with the coriander bunch, initially, the green foliage caught her fancy...but gradually the aroma took over her completely. She sniffed the leaf and tasted a small branchlet!! she was intoxicated by the aroma, the fragrance and the taste left an indelible mark on her.....and No...Sundari didn't gulp it down in one shot...

she gently nibbled at the bunch one stem at a time! She took time and put in efforts to carefully remove one stem at a time and relish and cherish the delicacy. It was so calming to see her cherish the humble delicacy. 

The range forest officer saw this and made a note to time and again reward Sundari with a bunch every time they went to procure supplies from the weekly market. The bunch soon turned in a humongous bundle. She always made it a point to keep the bunch aside, finished her daily grub. Sundari never gulped down the coriander...she would eat it slowly calmly enjoying every little leaf as if in a state of zen!

Sometimes when my morning poha has a generous topping of coriander...I remember Sundari- The elephant which loved coriander!!

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